1 Kings 11

King Solomon's many foreign wives led him to worship their gods, including Ashtoreth and Milcom, which displeased the Lord. As a result, the Lord told Solomon that He would tear the kingdom away from him and give it to one of his servants, but not during Solomon's lifetime, out of respect for his father David. The Lord raised up adversaries against Solomon, including Hadad of Idumea and Rezon of Zobah, who became enemies of Israel. Meanwhile, the prophet Ahijah told Jeroboam, a servant of Solomon, that he would be given ten tribes of Israel to rule, while one tribe would remain with Solomon's son, Rehoboam.

But king Solomon loved many foreign women, including the daughter of Pharaoh, and women of Moab, and of Ammon, and of Idumea, and of Sidon, and of the HittitesThese were of the nations about whom the Lord said to the sons of Israel: "You shall not enter to them, and none of them shall enter to anyone of yours. For they will most certainly turn aside your hearts, so that you follow their gods." And yet, to these Solomon was joined with a greatly enflamed loveAnd for him, there were seven hundred wives, as if they were queens, and three hundred concubines. And the women turned aside his heartAnd when now he was old, his heart was perverted by the women, so that he followed strange gods. And his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father DavidFor Solomon worshipped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Milcom, the idol of the AmmonitesAnd Solomon did what was not pleasing in the sight of the Lord. And he did not continue to follow the Lord, as his father David didThen Solomon built a shrine for Chemosh, the idol of Moab, on the mount that is opposite Jerusalem, and for Milcom, the idol of the sons of AmmonAnd he acted in this manner for all his foreign wives, who were burning incense and immolating to their godsAnd so, the Lord became angry with Solomon, because his mind had been turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twiceand who had instructed him about this matter, lest he follow strange gods. But he did not observe what the Lord commanded to himAnd so, the Lord said to Solomon: "Because you have this with you, and because you have not kept my covenant and my precepts, which I commanded to you, I will tear apart your kingdom, and I will give it to your servantYet truly, I will not do it in your days, for the sake of your father David. From the hand of your son, I will tear it awayNeither will I take away the whole kingdom. Instead, I will grant one tribe to your son, for the sake of David, my servant, and Jerusalem, which I have chosen.Then the Lord raised up an adversary to Solomon, Hadad of Idumea, from an offspring of the king who was in IdumeaFor when David was in Idumea, Joab, the leader of the military, had ascended to bury those who had been killed, and he had killed every male in IdumeaAnd Joab remained in that place for six months, with all of Israel, until he had put to death every male in IdumeaThen Hadad fled, he and some men of Idumea from among the servants of his father with him, so that he might enter into Egypt. But Hadad was then a little boyAnd when they had risen up from Midian, they went into Paran, and they took with them some men from Paran. And they went into Egypt, to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. And he gave him a house, and he appointed food for him, and he assigned land to himAnd Hadad found great favor before Pharaoh, so much so that he gave to him as wife, the sister of his own wife, queen TahpenesAnd the sister of Tahpenes bore to him a son, Genubath. And Tahpenes raised him in the house of Pharaoh. And Genubath was living with Pharaoh and his sonsAnd when Hadad had heard in Egypt that David had slept with his fathers, and that Joab, the leader of the military, had died, he said to Pharaoh, "Release me, so that I may go to my own land.And Pharaoh said to him, "But what is lacking to you with me, so that you would seek to go to your own land?" But he responded: "Nothing. Yet I beg you that you may release me.Also, God raised up against him an adversary, Rezon, the son of Eliada, who had fled from his lord, Hadad-Ezer, the king of ZobahAnd he gathered together men against him. And when David put those of Zobah to death, he became a leader of robbers. And they went away to Damascus, and they lived there. And they appointed him to be king of DamascusAnd he was an adversary to Israel during all the days of Solomon. And such is the evil of Hadad and of his hatred against Israel. And he reigned in SyriaAlso, there was Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, an Ephraimite from Zeredah, a servant of Solomon, whose mother was named Zeruah, a widowed woman. He lifted up his hand against the kingAnd this is the reason for his rebellion against him: that Solomon built up Millo, and that he filled in a deep hole in the city of David, his fatherNow Jeroboam was a valiant and powerful man. And perceiving the young man to be ingenious and industrious, Solomon appointed him as first ruler over the tributes of the entire house of JosephAnd it happened, in that time, that Jeroboam departed from Jerusalem. And the prophet Ahijah, the Shilonite, wearing a new cloak, found him on the way. And the two were alone in the fieldAnd taking his new cloak, with which he was covered, Ahijah tore it into twelve partsAnd he said to Jeroboam: "Take ten pieces for yourself. For thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: ‘Behold, I will tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon, and I will give to you ten tribesYet one tribe shall remain with him, for the sake of my servant, David, as well as Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen out of all the tribes of IsraelFor he has abandoned me, and he has adored Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Chemosh, the god of Moab, and Milcom, the god of the sons of Ammon. And he has not walked in my ways, so that he would do justice before me, and so that he would carry out my precepts and judgments, as his father David didBut I will not take the entire kingdom from his hand. Instead, I will establish him as the ruler during all the days of his life, for the sake of my servant David, whom I chose, who kept my commandments and my preceptsBut I will take away the kingdom from the hand of his son, and I will give to you ten tribesThen, to his son, I will give one tribe, so that there may remain a lamp for my servant David before me, for all days, in Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen, so that my name would be thereAnd I will take you up, and you shall reign over all that your soul desires. And you shall be king over IsraelTherefore, if you will listen to all that I will command you, and if you will walk in my ways, and do what is right in my sight, keeping my commandments and my precepts, just as my servant David did, then I will be with you, and I will build for you a faithful house, in the way that I built a house for David, and I will deliver Israel to youAnd I will afflict the offspring of David over this, but truly not for all days.’ Therefore, Solomon wanted to kill Jeroboam. But he rose up and fled away to Egypt, to Shishak, the king of Egypt. And he was in Egypt until the death of SolomonNow the rest of the words of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom: behold, these are all written in the book of the words of the days of SolomonAnd the days that Solomon reigned in Jerusalem, over all of Israel, were forty yearsAnd Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David, his father. And Rehoboam, his son, reigned in his place
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