
The people of Israel, led by King Jeconiah, wept and fasted after hearing the book written by Baruch in Babylon, and they sent money to Jerusalem to buy offerings and return the temple vessels. They prayed for forgiveness for their sins, acknowledging their disobedience and the justice of God's punishment, and asked for mercy and deliverance. The people recalled the Lord's promise to restore them to their land if they turned away from their wicked deeds, and they cried out to God in anguish, recognizing His eternal power and their own mortality. They were exhorted to return to the law of God, and were reassured that God would rescue them from their enemies and bring them back to Jerusalem with joy and gladness. Ultimately, the people were called to cast off their sorrow and troubles and put on their eternal glory from God, who would reveal His splendor in Jerusalem and lead Israel with joy into His light, with mercy and justice.

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