The book of Colossians begins with Paul and Timothy expressing gratitude for the faith and love of the Colossian saints and praying for them to be filled with knowledge of God's will. Jesus is described as the image of the invisible God and the head of the Church, through whom all things were created and continue. The apostle warns the Colossians against being deceived by philosophy and empty falsehoods, and reminds them that they have been filled in Christ and risen again through faith. Believers are instructed to focus on heavenly things, mortify their bodies to avoid sinful behaviors, and live in harmony with one another. The book concludes with instructions on relationships within the household, including wives submitting to husbands, children obeying parents, and servants obeying masters, as well as masters treating their servants fairly. The Colossians are encouraged to be devoted to prayer and to share the mystery of Christ, and the book ends with greetings from various companions and instructions to greet other churches.
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