Genesis 23

Sarah died at the age of 127 in Hebron, and Abraham mourned her death. He asked the sons of Heth for a place to bury her, and they offered him any of their sepulchers. Abraham specifically asked for the double cave in Ephron's field, and after some negotiations, he paid Ephron 400 shekels of silver for the field and the cave. Abraham then buried Sarah in the double cave, which became his possession as a memorial.
 1 Now Sarah lived for one hundred and twenty-seven years 2 And she died in the city of Arba, which is Hebron, in the land of Canaan. And Abraham came to mourn and weep for her 3 And when he had risen up from the funeral duties, he spoke to the sons of Heth, saying 4 "I am a newcomer and a sojourner among you. Give me the right of a sepulcher among you, so that I may bury my dead. 5 The sons of Heth responded by saying 6 "Hear us, O lord, you are a leader of God among us. Bury your dead in our chosen sepulchers. And no man shall be able to prohibit you from burying your dead within his memorial. 7 Abraham arose, and he reverenced the people of the land, namely, the sons of Heth 8 And he said to them: "If it pleases your soul that I should bury my dead, hear me, and intercede on my behalf with Ephron, the son of Zohar 9 so that he may give me the double cave, which he has at the far end of his field. He may transfer it to me for as much money as it is worth in your sight, for the possession of a sepulcher. 10 Now Ephron dwelt in the midst of the sons of Heth. And Ephron responded to Abraham in the hearing of everyone who was entering at the gate of his city, saying 11 "Let it never be so, my lord, but you should pay greater heed to what I say. The field I will transfer to you, and the cave that is in it. In the presence of the sons of my people, bury your dead. 12 Abraham reverenced in the sight of the people of the land 13 And he spoke to Ephron, standing in the midst of the people: "I ask you to hear me. I will give you money for the field. Take it, and so I will bury my dead in it. 14 And Ephron responded: "My lord, hear me 15 The land that you request is worth four hundred shekels of silver. This is the price between me and you. But how much is this? Bury your dead. 16 And when Abraham had heard this, he weighed out the money that Ephron had requested, in the hearing of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, of the approved public currency 17 And having confirmed that the field, in which there was a double cave overlooking Mamre, formerly belonged to Ephron, both it and the sepulcher, and all its trees, with all its surrounding limits 18 Abraham took it as a possession, in the sight of the sons of Heth and of everyone who was entering at the gate of his city 19 So then, Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the double cave of the field that overlooked Mamre. This is Hebron in the land of Canaan 20 And the field was confirmed to Abraham, with the cave that was in it, as a memorial possession before the sons of Heth