Isaiah 48

The Lord rebukes the house of Jacob for swearing by His name but not in truth or justice, and reminds them that He foretold events before they happened to prevent them from attributing them to their idols. The Lord declares that He has refined and chosen Israel, not for their own merit, but for His own sake, and that He will not give His glory to another. He calls Israel to listen and obey, promising that if they had followed His commandments, their peace and justice would have been abundant. The Lord then commands Israel to flee from Babylon and announces that He has redeemed His servant Jacob.
 1 Listen to these things, O house of Jacob, you who are called by the name of Israel, and who went forth from the waters of Judah. You swear by the name of the Lord and you call to mind the God of Israel, but not in truth, and not in justice 2 For they have been called from the holy city, and they have been founded upon the God of Israel. The Lord of hosts is his name 3 From that time, I announced the former things. They went forth from my mouth, and I have caused them to be heard. I wrought these things suddenly, and they were fulfilled 4 For I knew that you are stubborn, and that your neck is like an iron sinew, and that your forehead is like brass 5 From that time, I foretold to you. Before these things happened, I revealed them to you, lest you say: "My idols have accomplished these things, and my graven and molten images have commanded them. 6 See all the things that you have heard. But were you the ones who announced them? From that time, I caused you to hear about new things, and you do not know how these were preserved 7 They are created now, and not in that time. And even before today, you did not hear of them; otherwise, you might say, "Behold, I knew them. 8 You have neither heard, nor known, nor were your ears open in that time. For I knew that you would transgress greatly, and so I called you a transgressor from the womb 9 For the sake of my name, I will take the face of my fury far away. And for the sake of my praise, I will bridle you, lest you perish 10 Behold, I have refined you, but not like silver. I have chosen you for the furnace of poverty 11 For my sake, for my own sake, I will do it, so that I may not be blasphemed. For I will not give my glory to another 12 Listen to me, O Jacob, and Israel whom I call. I am the same, I am the first, and I am the last 13 Also, my hand has founded the earth, and my right hand has measured the heavens. I will call them, and they will stand together 14 Gather together, all of you, and listen. Who among them has announced these things? The Lord has loved him; he will do his will with Babylon, and his arm is upon the Chaldeans 15 I am, I have spoken, and I have called him. I have led him forward, and his way has been straight 16 Draw near to me, and listen to this. From the beginning, I have not spoken in secret. From the time before it happened, I was there. And now, the Lord God has sent me, and his Spirit 17 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord, your God, who teaches you beneficial things, who guides you in the way that you walk 18 If only you had paid attention to my commandments! Your peace would have been like a river, and your justice would have been like the waves of the sea 19 and your offspring would have been like the sand, and the stock from your loins would have been like its stones. His name would not have passed away, nor would it have been worn away before my face 20 Depart from Babylon! Flee from the Chaldeans! Announce it with a voice of exultation. Cause it to be heard, and carry it even to the ends of the earth. Say: "The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob. 21 They did not thirst in the desert, when he led them out. He produced water from the rock for them. For he split the rock, and the waters flowed out 22 "There is no peace for the impious," says the Lord