Job 25

Bildad asserts that God's power is unmatched and that humans are insignificant in comparison. He questions the idea that humans can be pure or compare themselves to God, given their inherent imperfections as descendants of women. Bildad notes that even celestial bodies like the moon and stars are not pure in God's sight, implying that humans are far from pure. He concludes that humans are essentially worthless, likening them to rottenness and worms.
 1 Then Baldad the Suhite answered by saying 2 Power and terror are with him that makes a pact with those in high places 3 Is there any limit to the number of his soldiers or to the number of those over whom his light rises 4 Is it right for man to compare himself to God, or to appear pure though he is born of woman 5 Behold, even the moon is not radiant, and the stars are not pure, in his sight 6 Is man much more than rottenness and the son of man much more than worms