Job 34

Elihu says that Job has claimed to be just, yet God has subverted his judgment, and that Job has also said that man cannot please God. Elihu argues that God will repay each person according to their ways and that he will not condemn in vain. He also says that God is just and will not tolerate iniquity, and that those who work iniquity will be punished. Elihu concludes by saying that Job has spoken foolishly and that he should be tested and constrained for his blasphemy.
 1 After proclaiming these things, Eliu now had this to say 2 May the wise hear my words, and may the educated listen to me 3 For the ear examines words, and the mouth discerns foods by the taste 4 Let us choose judgment for ourselves, and let us consider among ourselves what is best 5 For Job has said: "I am just, yet God has subverted my judgment 6 For, within my judgment, there is a lie: my vehement barbs are without any sin. 7 What man is there that is like Job, who drinks up derision as if it were water 8 who accompanies those who work iniquity, and who walks with impious men 9 For he has said, "Man will not please God, even if he should travel with him. 10 Therefore, prudent men, hear me: impiety is far from God, and iniquity is far from the Almighty 11 For he will restore to man his works, and according to the ways of each, he will repay them 12 For truly, God will not condemn in vain, nor will the Almighty repudiate judgment 13 What other is established over the earth? Or whom has he placed over the world, which he made 14 But, if he directs his heart towards him, he will draw his spirit and breath to himself 15 All flesh will fail together, and man will return to ashes 16 Therefore, if you have understanding, hear what is said, and heed the sound of my eloquence 17 Is he that does not love judgment able to be corrected? And how can you so greatly condemn him who is just 18 He says to the king, "You are an apostate." He calls commanders impious 19 He does not accept the reputation of leaders; nor does he recognize the tyrant as he contends against the poor. For all are the work of his hands 20 They will die suddenly, and the people will be troubled in the middle of the night, but they will pass through it, and the violent will be taken away without a hand 21 For his eyes are upon the ways of men, and he examines all of their steps 22 There is no darkness and no shadow of death, where those who work iniquity may be hidden 23 For it is no longer within the power of man to enter into judgment with God 24 He will break into many innumerable pieces, and he will cause others to stand up in their place 25 For he knows their works, and, as a result, he will bring the night, and they will be crushed 26 Just as the impious do, he has struck them in a place where they can be seen 27 They, as if with great diligence, have withdrawn from him, and they refused to understand all his ways 28 so that they caused the outcry of the needy to reach him, and he heard the voice of the poor 29 For, when he grants peace, who is there that can condemn? When he hides his face, who is there that can contemplate him, either among the nations, or among all men 30 He causes a hypocritical man to reign because of the sins of the people 31 Therefore, since I have been speaking about God, I will not prevent you from doing the same 32 If I have erred, you may teach me; if I have spoken unfairly, I will add no more 33 Does God require this of you because it is displeasing to you? For you were the first to speak, and not I. But if you know something better, speak 34 Let men of understanding speak to me, and let a wise man listen to me 35 But Job has been speaking foolishly, and his words contain unsound teaching 36 My father, let Job be tested even to the end; may you not retreat from a man of iniquity 37 For he adds blasphemy on top of his sins; nevertheless, let him be constrained to be among us, and then let him provoke God to judgment with his speeches