Jeremiah 21:13

Behold, I am against you, O inhabitants of a valley with firm and level ground, says the Lord. And you say: ‘Who can strike us? And who can enter into our houses?

Other versions

King James Version

Behold, I am against thee, O inhabitant of the valley, and rock of the plain, saith the LORD; which say, Who shall come down against us? or who shall enter into our habitations?

English Standard Version

"Behold, I am against you, O inhabitant of the valley, O rock of the plain, declares the LORD; you who say, 'Who shall come down against us, or who shall enter our habitations?'

New International Version

I am against you, Jerusalem, you who live above this valley on the rocky plateau, declares the LORD - you who say, "Who can come against us? Who can enter our refuge?"