Judges 17

A man named Micah from Mount Ephraim returned 1,100 silver coins to his mother that he had taken, and she used 200 of them to make a molten idol and a graven image. Micah set up a shrine in his house and made an ephod and theraphim, and he appointed one of his sons as his priest. A young Levite from Bethlehem Judah, who was a relative of Micah, arrived at his house while traveling and was offered a position as Micah's priest in exchange for a salary and provisions. The Levite accepted the offer and Micah believed that having a Levite as his priest would bring him God's favor.
 1 In that time, there was a certain man, from mount Ephraim, named Micah 2 And he said to his mother, "The one thousand one hundred silver coins, which you had separated for yourself, and about which you had sworn in my hearing, behold, I have them, and they are with me." And she answered him, "My son has been blessed by the Lord. 3 Therefore, he restored them to his mother. And she said to him: "I have consecrated and vowed this silver to the Lord, so that my son would receive it from my hand, and would make a molten idol and a graven image. And now I deliver it to you. 4 And when he restored these to his mother, she took two hundred of the silver coins, and she gave them to the silversmith, so that he might make from them a molten idol and a graven image. And it was in the house of Micah 5 And he also separated in it a little shrine for the god. And he made an ephod and theraphim, that is, a priestly garment and idols. And he filled the hand of one of his sons, and he became his priest 6 In those days, there was no king in Israel. Instead, each one did what seemed right to himself 7 Also, there was another young man, from Bethlehem of Judah, one of his relatives. And he himself was a Levite, and he was living there 8 Then, departing from the city of Bethlehem, he wished to sojourn wherever he would find it beneficial to himself. And when he had arrived at mount Ephraim, while making the journey, he also turned aside for a little while to the house of Micah 9 And he was asked by him where he came from. And he responded: "I am a Levite from Bethlehem of Judah. And I am traveling so that I may live where I am able, if I perceive it to be useful to me. 10 And Micah said: "Stay with me. And you shall be to me like a parent and a priest. And I will give to you, each year, ten silver coins, and a double-layered garment, and whatever provisions are necessary. 11 He agreed, and he stayed with the man. And he was to him like one of his sons 12 And Micah filled his hand, and he had the young man with him as his priest 13 saying: "Now I know that God will be good to me, since I have a priest from the stock of the Levites.