Sirach 2

To serve God, one must stand in justice and fear, humbling their heart and persevering through temptation and distress. Those who fear the Lord will be tested but ultimately rewarded, and they must believe, hope, and love God to have their hearts illuminated. In contrast, those who are duplicitous, wicked, and dissolute will not be protected by God, and those who lose endurance and abandon upright ways will face examination and judgment. Those who fear the Lord will keep his commandments, seek what is pleasing to him, and have patience until his examination.
 1 Son, when you apply yourself to the service of God, stand in justice and in fear, and prepare your soul for temptation 2 Humble your heart, and persevere. Incline your ear, and accept words of understanding. And you should not hurry away in the time of distress 3 Endure steadfastly for God. Join yourself to God, and persevere, so that your life may increase in the very end 4 Accept everything that will happen to you, and persevere in your sorrow, and have patience in your humiliation 5 For gold and silver are tested in fire, yet truly, acceptable men are tested in the furnace of humiliation 6 Believe God, and he will restore you to health. And straighten your way, and hope in him. Observe his fear, and grow old in it 7 You who fear the Lord, wait for his mercy. And do not turn away from him, lest you fall 8 You who fear the Lord, believe in him. And your reward will not be taken away 9 You who fear the Lord, hope in him. And mercy will approach you, to your delight 10 You who fear the Lord, love him. And your hearts will be illuminated 11 My sons, consider the nations of men, and know that not one of them hoped in the Lord and was confounded 12 For who has remained in his commandment and been abandoned? Or who has called upon him, and yet he despised him 13 For God is upright and merciful, and he will forgive sins in the day of tribulation. And he is the Protector to all those who seek him in truth 14 Woe to the duplicitous heart, and to the wicked lips, and to the hands that do evil, and to the sinner who walks the earth by two ways 15 Woe to the dissolute in heart, who do not trust God! For, as a result, they will not be protected by him 16 Woe to those who have lost endurance, and who have abandoned upright ways, and who have turned aside to depraved ways 17 And what will they do when the Lord begins to examine them 18 Those who fear the Lord will not be unbelieving toward his Word. And those who love him will keep to his way 19 Those who fear the Lord will seek the things that are well-pleasing to him. And those who love him will be filled with his law 20 Those who fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and they will sanctify their souls in his sight 21 Those who fear the Lord keep his commandments, and they will have patience even until his examination 22 saying: "If we do not do penance, then we will fall into the hands of the Lord, and not into the hands of men. 23 For according to his greatness, so also is his mercy with him