Sirach 21
Sin is destructive and can lead to death, while wisdom and understanding come from fearing God and following justice. Those who are foolish and reject correction will not accept instruction, and their knowledge is meaningless. In contrast, the wise and prudent will seek and apply wisdom, and their words will be sought after and considered. The foolish will often act impulsively and without thought, while the wise will be cautious and reflective.
Son, have you sinned? You should not add further sins. Then too, for your former sins, pray so that they may be forgiven youFlee from sins, as if from the face of a serpent. For if you approach them, they will take hold of youTheir teeth are like the teeth of a lion, bringing death to the souls of menAll iniquity is like a two-edged spear; there is no healing in its woundReproach and injury will make resources useless. And a house that is exceedingly wealthy will become powerless through pride. In this way, the resources of the arrogant will be eradicatedSupplications from the mouth of the pauper will reach all the way to the ears of God, and judgment will come to him quicklyWhoever hates correction is walking in the steps of a sinner. But whoever fears God will convert within his heartHe who has power by means of a bold tongue will be known from far away. But an understanding man knows to slip past himWhoever builds his house, paid for by another, is like one who gathers his building stones in winterThe synagogue of sinners is like stubble piled up; for the end of them both is a burning fireThe way of sinners is paved and level, and at their end is hell and darkness and punishmentsWhoever observes justice will obtain an understanding of itThe consummation of the fear of God is wisdom and understandingOne who is not wise in goodness will not accept instructionNow there is a wisdom which abounds in evil. But there is no understanding where there is bitternessThe knowledge of the wise will increase like a flood, and his counsel will continue like a fountain of lifeThe heart of the foolish is like a broken vessel, for it will not hold any wisdomA knowledgeable man will praise any wise word he hears, and he will apply it to himself. The self-indulgent man has heard it, and it displeases him, and so he casts it behind his backThe talk of the foolish is like a burden on a journey. But in the lips of the understanding, grace will be foundThe mouth of the prudent is sought in the Church, and they will consider his words in their heartsLike a house which has been demolished, so is wisdom to the foolish. And the knowledge of the unwise is like meaningless wordsDoctrine to the senseless is like fetters on the feet, and like chains on the right handA foolish man lifts up his voice in laughter. But a wise man will not even laugh quietly to himselfDoctrine is to the prudent like a gold ornament, and like an armband on the right armThe feet of the foolish step easily into his neighbor’s house. But an experienced man will be apprehensive in the presence of the powerfulA senseless man will gaze through a window into the house. But a man who has been well-taught will stand outsideIt is foolish for a man to listen through the door. And a prudent man will be grieved at this disgraceThe lips of the imprudent will describe senseless things. But the words of the prudent will be weighed on a balanceThe hearts of the foolish are in their mouths. But the mouths of the wise are with their heartsWhenever the impious curse the devil, they curse their own soulThose who whisper accusations defile their own souls, and they will be hated by all. And whoever abides with them will be hateful. The silent and understanding man will be honored
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