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Sirach 28

Whoever seeks vengeance will find it from the Lord, but those who hold onto anger and seek remedy from God will not be forgiven. Forgiveness of others is necessary for one's own sins to be forgiven. Holding onto anger and strife only leads to conflict and trouble, and a hasty quarrel can lead to death. A wicked tongue can cause great harm, and those who are protected from it are blessed, while those who abandon God will fall by it.

1Whoever wishes for vengeance will find vengeance from the Lord, and he will surely be attentive to his sins2Forgive your neighbor, if he has harmed you, and then your sins will be forgiven you when you pray3A man holds on to anger against another man, and does he then seek a remedy from God4He has no mercy on a man like himself, and does he then entreat for his own sins5He who is but flesh holds on to anger, and does he then request forgiveness from God? Who can obtain pardon for his sins in this way6Remember your very end, and let animosities cease7For corruption and death are suspended over his commandments8Remember the fear of God, and do not be angry with your neighbor9Remember the covenant of the Most High, and overlook the ignorant offenses of your neighbor10Refrain from strife, and you will diminish your sins11For an ill-tempered man enflames conflict, and a sinful man troubles his friends, and he casts hostility into the midst of those who have peace12For the fire burns according to the wood of the forest. And the anger of a man burns according to the strength of the man. And according to his resources, he will exalt his anger13A hasty contention kindles a fire. And a hasty quarrel sheds blood. And an accusatory tongue brings death14If you blow on a spark, it will increase to a fire. But if you spit on it, it will be extinguished. Both of these proceed from the mouth15The double-tongued whisperer is accursed. For he has disturbed many who had peace16A third tongue has stirred up many, and has scattered them from nation to nation17It has destroyed the walled cities of the wealthy, and has undermined the houses of the great18It has cut down the virtues of the peoples, and has broken strong nations19A third tongue has cast down virtuous women, and has deprived them of their labors20Whoever favors it will not have rest, nor will he have a friend in whom he may find peace21The wound of a whip causes a bruise, but the wound of the tongue will crush the bones22Many have fallen by the mouth of the sword, but not as many as have perished by their own tongue23Blessed is he who is protected from a wicked tongue, who has not gone over to its wrath, and has not pulled its yoke, and has not been bound by its chains24For its yoke is a yoke of iron. And its chains are chains of brass25Its death is a most wicked death. And hell is more useful than it is26Its continuance will not be permanent, but it will take hold of the ways of the unjust. And the just will not be burned by its flame27Those who abandon God will fall by it, and it will burn within them and not be quenched. And it will be sent upon them, like a lion, and it will wound them, like a leopard28Hedge your ears with thorns. Do not be willing to listen to a wicked tongue. And make doors and bars for your mouth29Melt down your gold and your silver. And make a scale for your words, and an upright bridle for your mouth30And be attentive, lest perhaps you may slip with your tongue, and fall in the sight of your enemies, who are lying in wait for you, and then your fall may be incurable unto death
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