Sirach 30

A father who disciplines his son will ultimately bring him happiness and praise. Teaching a son will make his father proud and give him a sense of security after he passes away. A child left to himself will become headstrong, so discipline is necessary from a young age. A healthy body and a joyful heart are more valuable than wealth, and a life of bitterness is worse than death. One should not give in to sadness or envy, as these emotions can lead to a shorter life, but instead strive for a cheerful and good heart.
 1 He who loves his son will frequently chastise him, so that he may be happy in the very end, and not grope for the doors of his neighbors 2 He who instructs his son will be praised over him and will glory in him, in the midst of his household 3 He who teaches his son will make his enemy jealous, and in the midst of his friends, he will glory in him 4 When his father has died, it will be as if he were not dead. For he will have left behind someone who is like himself 5 In his life, he saw him and rejoiced in him. And at his passing, he was not sorrowful, nor was he confounded in the sight of his enemies 6 For he left behind himself a defender of his house against his enemies, and someone who will repay his friends with kindness 7 For the sake of the souls of his sons, he will bind up his wounds, and at every voice, his gut will be stirred up 8 An untamed horse becomes stubborn, and a child left to himself becomes headstrong 9 Coddle a son, and he will make you afraid. Play with him, and he will make you sorrowful 10 You should not laugh with him; otherwise you may have grief, and in the end, your teeth be clenched 11 You should not give him power in his youth, but you should not despise his thoughts 12 Bow down his neck in his youth, and slap his sides while he is a child, lest perhaps he may become stubborn, and then he will not trust you, and so he will bring sorrow to your soul 13 Instruct your son, and work with him, lest you give offense by his shameful behavior 14 Better is a healthy pauper with a strong constitution, than a wealthy man who is weak and afflicted by maladies 15 A healthy soul with the sanctity of justice is better than all the gold and silver. And a sound body is better than immense revenues 16 There is no revenue above the revenue of a healthy body. And there is no delight above a joyful heart 17 Death is better than a bitter life. And eternal rest is better than continual sickness 18 Good things hidden in a closed mouth are like seats at a feast placed around a grave 19 What benefit is there in an offering to an idol? For it can neither eat, nor smell 20 So is he who flees from the Lord, carrying the wages of his iniquity 21 He sees with his eyes and groans, like a eunuch who embraces a virgin and sighs 22 You should not give your soul to sadness, and you should not afflict yourself by your own counsel 23 The gladness of the heart is the life of a man, and it is a treasure of sanctity without defect. And the exultation of a man is length of life 24 Take pity on your own soul by pleasing God, and show self-restraint. Gather your heart into his sanctity, and drive sadness far away from yourself 25 For sadness has killed many, and there is no usefulness in it 26 Envy and anger will diminish your days, and pensiveness will bring old age before its time 27 A cheerful and good heart is like a feast. And its feasts are formed by diligence