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Sirach 40

Human life is marked by toil, fear, and suffering from birth to death, with even the wealthy and powerful experiencing turmoil. However, the wicked suffer seven times more than the righteous. All earthly things will return to the earth, but faith will endure. The wicked will ultimately perish, while the righteous will find joy and contentment in a simple life, with the fear of the Lord being the greatest treasure.

1A great occupation was created for all men, and a heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day of their departure from their mother’s womb, even until the day of their burial into the mother of all2their thoughts, and the fears of their heart, their imagined expectations, and the day of their end3from him who sits upon a glorious throne, even to him who is humbled in earth and ashes4from him who wears hyacinth and bears a crown, even to him who is covered with rough linen: wrath, envy, tumult, restlessness, and the fear of death, continual anger and contention5And in the time of rest upon his bed, the sleep of the night changes his knowledge6There is little or no rest, and sleep is taken from him, as if on a day of keeping watch7He is disturbed by a vision of his heart, as if he had escaped in a day of warfare. In the time of his salvation, he rose up and wondered that there was no fear8This is so with all flesh, from man even to cattle, but upon sinners it is seven times as great9Add to this: death, bloodshed, contention, and the spear, oppression, famine, and affliction, and scourges10All these things have been created because of iniquity, and it is due to iniquity that the great flood was made11All things that are of the earth shall return to the earth, and all waters shall return to the sea12All bribery and iniquity will be wiped away, but faith shall stand forever13The substance of the unjust will dry up like a river, and will pass away with a noise like loud thunder in a rainstorm14When he opens his hands, he will rejoice. So will transgressors pass away at the consummation15The descendents of the impious will not produce many branches, for they may be compared to dirty roots at the edge of a rock16The weeds, which grow above every water and beside the banks of the river, will be uprooted before all the grass17Grace is like a paradise of blessings, and mercy continues for eternity18The life of a worker, when content with what is sufficient, will become sweet, and in it you will find a treasure19Sons, and the building of a city, will establish a name, but an immaculate wife will be ranked above these things20Wine and music rejoice the heart, but the love of wisdom is above them both21The flute and the psaltery make a sweet melody, but a pleasant word is above them both22Your eye desires elegance and beauty, but verdant fields are above these things23A friend and a companion meet one another in time, but above them both is a wife with her husband24Brothers are a help in time of tribulation, but mercy will liberate, more so than they will25Gold and silver provide a firm position for the feet, but well-spoken counsel is above them both26Ability and strength lift up the heart, but the fear of the Lord is above these things27There is no loss in the fear of the Lord, and it has no need to ask for assistance28The fear of the Lord is like a paradise of blessings, and they have covered it above all glory29Son, in your lifetime you should not be indigent, for it is better to die than to be destitute30The life of him who looks to another man’s table should not be thought of as a way of life. For he feeds his life with another man’s food31But a disciplined and well-taught man will take care of himself32Scarcity will seem sweet to the mouth of the imprudent, but a fire will burn in his belly
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