Tobit 14

After regaining his sight, Tobit lived for another 42 years, seeing his grandchildren and great-grandchildren before dying at the age of 102. Before his death, he called his son Tobias and grandsons to him, warning them that Nineveh would soon be destroyed and urging them to serve the Lord and do what pleases him. Tobit instructed his sons to leave Nineveh after his wife's death and return to their father-in-law's home. Tobias followed his father's instructions and eventually inherited his father-in-law's estate, living a long life and dying at the age of 99, surrounded by his family who continued to live a good and holy life.
 1 And the sermon of Tobit was completed. And after Tobit received his sight, he lived forty-two years, and he saw the sons of his grandchildren 2 And so, having completed one hundred and two years, he was buried honorably at Nineveh 3 For he was fifty-six years old, when he lost the light of his eyes, and he was sixty years old, when he truly received it again 4 And, in truth, the remainder of his life was in gladness. And so, with the good accomplishment of the fear of God, he departed in peace 5 But, in the hour of his death, he called to himself his son Tobias, along with his sons, the seven youths who were his grandsons, and he said to them 6 "Nineveh will pass away soon. For the word of the Lord goes forward, and our brothers, who have been dispersed away from the land of Israel, shall return to it 7 Thus its deserted land will be entirely filled again. And the house of God, which was burned like incense within it, will be rebuilt again. And all those who fear God will return there 8 And the Gentiles will relinquish their idols, and they will enter into Jerusalem, and they will dwell in it 9 And all the kings of the earth will rejoice in it, adoring the King of Israel 10 Therefore, my sons, listen to your father. Serve the Lord in truth, and seek to do the things that please him 11 And command your sons, so that they may accomplish justice and almsgiving, and so that they may be mindful of God and may bless him at all times, in truth and with all their strength 12 And now, sons, listen to me, and do not remain here. But, on whatever day you will bury your mother near me in one sepulcher, from that time, direct your steps to leave this place 13 For I see that its iniquity will bring about its end. 14 And it happened that, after the death of his mother, Tobias withdrew from Nineveh, with his wife, and sons, and sons of sons, and he was returned to his father-in-law 15 And he found them unharmed in a good old age. And he took care of them, and he closed their eyes. And all the inheritance of the house of Raguel passed to him. And he saw the sons of his sons to the fifth generation 16 And, having completed ninety-nine years in the fear of the Lord, with joy, they buried him 17 But all his family and all his lineage continued with a good life and in holy conversation, so that they were acceptable both to God and to men, as well as to everyone who dwelt in the land