Catholic Media

  • Saturday, September 7, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus declares that he is “lord of the sabbath.” 

  • Silvina Sironi Shares Her Passion for Art, Education, and Community
    Word on Fire

    Silvina Sironi discusses her passion for art and her new mission in the Institute as leader of the new Art for Evangelists community.

  • AI Art Cannot Be Offered in Love
    Word on Fire

    Thinking about the work of artists as subcreators and communicators of love will offer children an inoculation against AI art they encounter.

  • Friday, September 6, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, people ask Jesus why he doesn’t encourage fasting among his followers.

  • Mother Teresa’s Special Message for Mothers Everywhere (feat. Debbie Herbeck)
    Ascension Press

    Today, Debbie Herbeck shares a touching and unforgettable encounter with Mother Teresa of Calcutta. In just a few words, this saint shared profound wisdom and love—an interaction that has stayed with Debbie ever since. Alongside this powerful story, Debbie offers 10 practical tips inspired by Mother Teresa for loving others more deeply

  • What Is a Charism and Do I Have Any?
    Ascension Press
  • If You Read One Novel This Year, Make It “Brideshead Revisited”
    Word on Fire

    The story at root is about love: the love of a mother for an alcoholic son and wayward husband, the love of spouses grown glacial, and the love of eros fraught with difficulties.

  • Thursday, September 5, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel gives us the story of the miraculous draught of fishes.

  • Be Opened! 
    Wed Sep 04 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today is the evocative scene of Jesus healing a man who cannot hear and cannot speak. 

  • Sorolla’s Painting, a Call to Repentance
    Word on Fire

    Spanish artist Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida’s painting is far more than an eloquent social critique. It is a call to repentance.

  • Wednesday, September 4, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in our Gospel today, we see Jesus in action. He is always hurrying from place to place, on the go.

  • Tattoos, O’Connor, and a Sacramental Worldview
    Word on Fire

    A sacramental understanding of the body is the remedy to disintegrated humanity. Tattoos are insufficient in recapturing a sacramental nature.

  • EP31 | Why Mary Matters — Alexandra DeSanctis
    Word on Fire

    Mary is loved and venerated. Tod and journalist Alexandra DeSanctis explore the strength and beauty of the Mother of God and why she matters.

  • Tuesday, September 3, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches in the synagogue at Capernaum.

  • How Can I Know God's Will?
    Ascension Press

    Do you feel called to marriage? Maybe you felt a call to become a priest or religious? But what if you are not accepted into the seminary? Or what if your relationship ends abruptly instead of in marriage? Today, Fr. Mark-Mary explores the reality that sometimes God’s will and our desires may not align and how to navigate those frustrations when they arise.

  • John Daniel Davidson’s “Pagan America” Delivers on Pessimism
    Word on Fire

    "Pagan America" is endearing and often evocative but in the end bogs down in apocalyptic rhetoric and fails to deliver much useful advice.

  • WOF 453: Nature & the Human Body—Recapping Wonder 2024
    Word on Fire

    The nature and purpose of the human body is under attack. The Word on Fire Institute sought to address this at our 2024 Wonder Conference.

  • Monday, September 2, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus begins his Galilean ministry with a prophetic message in the synagogue at Nazareth: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.

  • "The Floor" | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    It’s the least you can do. We are made to strive. We are made to pursue the ideal. But we also need to know what the minimum is. We also need to know: What is the least I can do? (And still give the Lord access to my heart!)

  • Sunday, September 1, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus exposes the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, who imposed their interpretation of the Law on the Israelites.

  • Saturday, August 31, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel gives us the challenging parable of the talents.

  • Jesus, the Master Communicator (Part 2)
    Ascension Press
  • Liz Kelly’s Mission for Women’s Formation
    Word on Fire

    Liz Kelly leads the Women's Formation Community in the Institute, and she knows women hold a unique and very powerful role in evangelization.

  • Eucharistic Encounters: Dr. Tod Worner
    Word on Fire

    Dr. Tod Worner talks to Dr. Matthew Petrusek about his conversion, how the Eucharist plays a role in his life, and what living a Eucharistic life looks like.

  • Insight for Evangelists from Avenged Sevenfold
    Word on Fire

    Reflecting on what Avenged Sevenfold are saying/screaming provided me with insight into how the secular, nonreligious world understands God.

  • Friday, August 30, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel today is the parable that compares the kingdom of heaven with “ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.”

  • AI and Sacred Art with John Herreid
    Word on Fire

    Haley interviews John Herreid, a graphic designer and illustrator, about the rise of AI-generated images, the impact on artists and human creativity, and how families can cultivate a deeper appreciation for human-made art.

  • Are Catholics Christian? (feat. Michael Gormley)
    Ascension Press

    Are Catholics Christians? This question often causes confusion! Today, Michael Gormley addresses this topic, explaining what it truly means to be a Christian. He discusses the core Christian belief in the Trinity and the Incarnation of the second person of the Trinity. Gormley explores the reasons behind the common perception that Catholics are not Christian. He touches on Catholic beliefs in good works, grace, and faith. Join us as we clarify this important discussion!

  • The Vision of Society as a Trust
    Word on Fire

    Members of society are trustees with an obligation to conserve and enhance benefits they have and pass them on to the next generations.

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel tells of the passion of John the Baptist, and it suggests to me “the Herod principle” that I like to apply to contemporary atheists.

  • Coping With Major Losses: 4 Practical Tips from Fr. Mike
    Ascension Press

    Have you ever faced a major loss, whether it’s a relationship, your status, or even your health? In this video, we explore the 4 typical responses people have when dealing with significant loss. Fr. Mike introduces the “4 Rs: Restore, Replace, Redesign, Relinquish.” He explains that while there is no right or wrong approach, understanding these responses can help you determine which one suits your situation best. Familiarizing yourself with the “4 Rs” will guide you through the process of dealing with loss and finding healing.

  • Mike and Dave Answer Your Questions
    Ascension Press
  • I’m Worried About the Girls
    Word on Fire

    Research shows there are many reasons to be worried about this generation of girls amidst a culture that warps and tries to erase womanhood.

  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus judges the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. He says, “On the outside you appear righteous, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and evildoing.”

  • The Goodness—and Dangers—of the Law
    Word on Fire

    Friends, as Americans, we have a very ambiguous relationship to law.

  • Should Catholics Care for the Environment? (feat. Dr. Scott Powell)
    Ascension Press

    Does creation matter if the world is going to end? Dr. Scott Powell explores why caring for the world is essential despite its fate. He delves into the connection between the natural world and our spiritual journey, explaining how creation is God’s Temple—a sacred space where he desires to meet with us. Although the world has become a place of threat, it was intended to be a garden, reflecting God’s love and light. Dr. Powell encourages us to embrace our role as gardeners, to protect and cherish creation, and to see God’s face in the world around us.

  • Would God Stop an Assassin’s Bullet? A Reflection on American Providentialism
    Word on Fire

    Who can know God’s secret providential will for the U.S.? God gave Trump more time to choose to live out his life as God would want him to.

  • Tuesday, August 27, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus forcefully calls the Pharisees (and us) to change their hearts and behavior.

  • Rebellion & Our Mortal Wound (Kerygma Part 2)
    Ascension Press
  • "Do What Needs to Be Done: Sanctity Now" (feat. Fr. Jonah Teller, O.P.)
    Ascension Press

    Do you want a simple path to holiness? Inspired by St. Joseph, Fr. Jonah Teller presents a 3-step plan for you. Fr. Jonah Teller and Fr. Mark-Mary discuss St. Joseph’s deep sanctity. They explain that becoming a saint doesn’t require a lengthy journey with immense trials. It’s about responding to life’s situations with the guidance of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.

  • Eucharistic Encounters: Dr. Holly Ordway
    Word on Fire

    Dr. Holly Ordway speaks with Dr. Matthew Petrusek about her conversion from atheist to Christian to Catholic.

  • Bishop Barron Presents | Jonathan Pageau - Recognizing Patterns
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in the latest episode of “Bishop Barron Presents: Conversations at the Crossroads,” I talk with Orthodox icon-carver and YouTuber Jonathan Pageau. We had a wonderful conversati

  • Word on Fire
  • Is My Generation Capable of a Happy Death?
    Word on Fire

    Experiencing the graces of a strong, free, total, faithful, and fruitful marriage can—and should—prepare us for a blessed entry into eternal life.

  • WOF 452: Bishop Barron’s Homily at the Eucharistic Congress
    Word on Fire

    Bishop Barron gave a homily at the Eucharistic Congress at a breakout session to the priests present, and now we are bringing it to you.

  • Monday, August 26, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus launches a blistering attack on the scribes and Pharisees. 

  • "Your Turn" | 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Do not miss your turn. There are times in our lives when we have the opportunity and the ability to make a decision that will change the direction of our lives. Joshua issued this invitation to the people of Israel as they entered the Promised Land and we are issued the same invitation. We must decide for ourselves whom we will serve.

  • Sunday, August 25, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, we come today to the end of the extraordinary sixth chapter of John’s Gospel. Before this, Jesus told his listeners, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.”

  • Saturday, August 24, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Nathaniel declares to Jesus, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”

  • Jesus, the Master Communicator (Part 1)
    Ascension Press
  • Fri Aug 23 2024
    Word on Fire
  • A Parable from the Science Textbook: Evangelization Like Movement Across a Cell Membrane
    Word on Fire

    The cell is the smallest unit of life. Some living things, like bacteria and many protists, are composed of only one cell each. Most other living things are composed of many cells. But every single living thing begins life as a single cell. Cells were first discovered when microscopes were invented in the early 1600s. They were named by the English scientist Robert Hooke in 1665, who observed dead cork cells through one of the first microscopes. The empty plant cell walls reminded him of the monks’ cells in a monastery, hence the term “cell.”1 As microscopes have improved over […]

  • Friday, August 23, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today puts us on very holy ground, since it features the Word of God himself telling us what stands at the heart of the law.

  • Pray with Us: The Flying Novena (feat. Fr. Michael-Joseph Paris OCD)
    Ascension Press

    Have you ever found yourself in a pressing situation or faced with an urgent need? During such times, the Blessed Mother can help. Fr. Michael-Joseph Paris, OCD, invites you to discover Mother Teresa’s “Flying Novena”—a powerful prayer consisting of 9 Memorare prayers—designed to implore our Blessed Mother’s intercession in times of particularly difficult or emergent situations.

  • Criticism vs. Admiration
    Ascension Press
  • Logos-Filled and Properly Human Work
    Word on Fire

    With the imposition of AI and other technology, the workers’ intelligence is no longer required, and their work is no longer logos-filled.

  • Thursday, August 22, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel likens the kingdom of heaven to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son.

  • Criticism vs Admiration
    Ascension Press

    When we encounter excellence, what prompts us to critique rather than admire? Fr. Mike suggests that this tendency often stems from jealousy and insecurity. He says humans are made to admire all that is praiseworthy. When we witness remarkable talent in athletics, academics, or the arts, we should take the opportunity to commend the hard work and discipline that leads to greatness. God made us to appreciate excellence and work to cultivate it in our own lives.

  • Mary Was Ready to Say “Yes”...Are You?
    Ascension Press
  • Ascension Press
  • Finding God in the Extraordinary
    Word on Fire

    It isn’t what is common that makes us aware of God’s presence; it is the extraordinarily radical difference where we find him.

  • Wednesday, August 21, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the landowner who hires people at various times of the day and then pays everyone the same.

  • Do You Accept This Teaching?
    Word on Fire

    Friends, we come now to the close of this great discourse of Jesus in the sixth chapter of John, where we see the aftereffects of his teaching on the Real Presence.

  • Word on Fire

    Membership Benefits *Welcome gifts are currently for US donors only Please allow up to three months for delivery of donor gifts as they become available.

  • 3 Keys to Finding Peace in a World of Bad News (feat. Debbie Herbeck)
    Ascension Press

    How do you maintain your peace in a world overflowing with bad news? In this video, Debbie Herbeck shares 3 powerful ways to stay grounded amidst the turmoil. She shares how we should discover the importance of humility, the wisdom of “Be still and know that I am God,” and the art of suffering well. Debbie offers valuable advice on how to recognize the battles in the world and find the strength to fight them with grace.

  • Science or Materialism? Pick a Lane
    Word on Fire

    The success of science does not justify materialism as a world view, and combining the philosophy of both is self-defeating. We must choose one.

  • EP30 | Grace & Grit: The Making of a Catholic Priest — Fr. Stephen Gadberry
    Word on Fire

    Join Tod and Fr. Stephen Gadberry as they discuss life’s uncertain paths and the loving God who forever accompanies us. 

  • Celebrating Our New Chancery Chapel
    Word on Fire

    The beautiful complexity of the chancery chapel stands for the harmonious coming together of the elements of creation when God’s work of redemption is complete.

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, the Lord explains why it’s hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • When You Go to Mass This Sunday, Do These 3 Things (feat. Fr. Jonah Teller, O.P.)
    Ascension Press

    When you attend Mass this Sunday, consider trying these 3 simple practices! In this video, Fr. Jonah Teller explains how to “bookend” your Mass, truly listen to the prayers, and place your heart on the altar. By doing so, you can experience a more profound and powerful connection to Jesus and the sacrifice of the Mass.

  • How to Let the Eucharist Impact Your Life
    Ascension Press
  • The New “Working Document” for the Synod of Bishops
    Word on Fire

    The issues raised by the "Instrumentum Laboris" are meant to help the Church conduct her mission in the face of obstacles and difficulties.

  • WOF 451: Is Christianity Making a Comeback?
    Word on Fire

    Research suggests that those who identify with no religion may be declining. Is society really becoming more receptive to Christianity?

  • Monday, August 19, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel is the story of the rich young man. The rich young man has a deep desire to share in everlasting life.

  • "Praise First...and Last" | 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Let praise go up first. There is something that every Christian can do at every moment and in every situation…that most of us forget to do. Or we fail to do it. God has called us to offer praise at all times.

  • Sunday, August 18, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus promises eternal life to those who eat his Flesh and drink his Blood.

  • Saturday, August 17, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in our Gospel for today, Jesus proposes that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like children.

  • Faith, Hope, and Charity
    Word on Fire

    The journey to God is sustained by the exercise of the three theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity. But how do we properly understand and live out these virtues in the modern world? In Faith, Hope, and Charity, Preacher to the Papal Household Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa utilizes a liturgical framework to lead us deeper into the practice of the theological virtues. Developing a series of sermons delivered in the presence of Pope John Paul II in 1992 and Pope Francis in 2022, Cardinal Cantalamessa opens up a spiritual journey to Bethlehem in short daily stretches in the footsteps of the Magi. Drawing on ancient tradition while facing the existential challenges of the present age, these reflections encourage all of us—modern Magi from the West—to lay down our gifts before the Great King: faith, hope, and charity.

  • If You Could Do One Thing
    Ascension Press
  • The Dangers of Technodeterminism: Transhumanism and a Catholic Perspective
    Word on Fire

    Technodeterminism risks reducing humans to subjects of technological manipulation, ignoring the intrinsic human value and dignity.

  • The Magic of Picture Books and Reading Aloud
    Word on Fire

    In this episode Haley interviews Sarah Mackenzie, homeschooling mom of many, founder of Read Aloud Revival, and author of several books including A Little More Beautiful and Because Barbara.

  • Friday, August 16, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches about the sanctity and permanence of marriage.

  • Mary’s Assumption and Human Dignity
    Word on Fire

    Mary's Assumption holds before us the truth of what the Gospel teaches and the awesome dignity to which God has raised humanity.

  • "Assumed Into Heaven" | Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Body and soul in Heaven. The fact of the Assumption is the greatest reminder that all those who have died in Christ are meant to rise with Christ. All of us will get our bodies back and we will rise on the Last Day; some to the Resurrection of Glory and others to the Resurrection of Shame.

  • What Can I Do? Elizabeth Wellendorf and Hogar Niño Dios
    Word on Fire

    Elizabeth Wellendorf is an American who has found herself making a difference in the Holy Land at a place called the Hogar Niño Dios.

  • Thursday, August 15, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel tells of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. I’ve always been fascinated by Mary’s “haste” in this story of the Visitation.

  • Eucharistic Encounters: Dr. Richard DeClue
    Word on Fire

    Dr. Richard DeClue shares with Dr. Matthew Petrusek about the Eucharist and his personal encounters with Jesus in it.

  • St. Michael’s Lent Starts Tomorrow. Are You In?
    Ascension Press

    St. Michael’s Lent is a 45-day journey of prayer and reflection inspired by St. Francis of Assisi that runs from August 15 through September 29. Men participating in this transformative practice experience a deepened faith in Jesus and serious growth in virtue.

  • Your Family Needs the Holy Family
    Ascension Press
  • Advice from St. Philip Neri on Our Journey of Faith 
    Word on Fire

    A renewed focus on the Eucharist has a profound impact on our spiritual lives. How would St. Philip Neri advise us to build on this moment?

  • Wednesday, August 14, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus is instructing his community in the difficult task of correcting an errant brother or sister.

  • Really, Truly, and Substantially Present
    Word on Fire

    Friends, we continue reading from the sixth chapter of John, this pivotal section of the New Testament where John lays out his Eucharistic theology.

  • The St. Benedict Medal Explained (feat. Fr. Boniface Hicks)
    Ascension Press

    “If you’ve been a follower of Jesus for more than a minute, then you’re probably all too familiar with the attacks of the devil that try to drag you off course in your spiritual life. We have all experienced these attacks and temptations, which can be pretty scary sometimes, yet we know God allows them for a reason. But that’s not the end of the story! God also provides us with powerful protections against the powers of darkness. Today, Fr. Boniface Hicks explores one such method of protection, the St. Benedict Medal. He breaks down the symbolism and inscriptions that make this medal unique, explores its rich history, profound meaning, and monastic roots, and explains its significance in daily Catholic practice. Let the St. Benedict Medal be a powerful tool in your spiritual journey for protection and blessing from now on!

  • The Banalization of Intelligence
    Word on Fire

    Turing’s reduction of intelligence to computation makes it banal, and thus, so is man. To deny man truth and goodness violates his dignity.

  • Tuesday, August 13, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims God’s concern for children: “It is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost.”

  • Does God Hear My Prayers If I'm Stuck in Sin? (feat. Fr. Jonah Teller, O.P.)
    Ascension Press

    “Do you ever feel like you’re too bad to pray? Like the sins in your life discount you from reaching God’s ears? Is intimacy with God possible amid sin and wrong decisions?

  • How to Let the Eucharist Heal You
    Ascension Press
  • I Cheated, But I Won Anyway
    Word on Fire

    Each day, he prayed, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Jesus forgave cheaters, so Leo did too.

  • WOF 450: Freedom & Political Order w/ Patrick Deneen—Part II
    Word on Fire

    In this latter half of Bishop Barron's conversation with Patrick Deneen, they address topics like freedom, truth, and the political order.

  • Monday, August 12, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus prophesies his Crucifixion and Resurrection: “The Son of Man is to be handed over to men, and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day.” 

  • "Winning?" | 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    What does a “win” look like? There are times when we accomplish our goals…and then we still feel that there ought to be something more. There are times when “winning” is just as empty as “losing”. In those moments, we have the opportunity to step back and ask what we are shooting for. These are the moments we can ask “what does a ‘win’ look like?”

  • Sunday, August 11, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus offers himself as food for the soul. There is a great truth revealed in the bread of life discourse.

  • Saturday, August 10, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today contains one of the most beautiful and terrible summations of the Christian message: “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.”

  • Seven Gifts for Your Friends
    Ascension Press
  • Concerns Surrounding Lattice’s “AI Employees” Initiative
    Word on Fire

    Lattice’s initiative to integrate AI into its HR management highlights the need to consider ethical and practical implications carefully.

  • Friday, August 9, 2024
    Fri Aug 09 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”

  • An Introduction to Prayer
    Word on Fire

    Prayer fascinates us. Studies show that even atheists and agnostics sometimes pray. But what precisely is prayer? How does it “work”? And what are some of the time-tested ways to practice it?An Introduction to Prayer offers a collection of rich yet brief reflections on prayer in the Catholic spiritual tradition from acclaimed author, speaker, and theologian Bishop Robert Barron. This book explores the answers to questions like: Why should I pray? What should I say or do when I’m praying? Who exactly am I praying to? Are there different types of prayer? What do the spiritual masters say about prayer? How can I establish a solid routine of prayer? And many more Perfect for beginners but filled with profound insights for those looking to further their spiritual life, An Introduction to Prayer will inspire you to seek out more frequent conversation—and a deeper communion—with God. 

  • Bishop Barron's Olympics Commentary
    Word on Fire
  • Fr. Mike Reacts to Olympics "Last Supper"
    Ascension Press
  • The Catholic Eucharist in the Bible Part 2
    Ascension Press
  • Fr. Mike Reacts to Olympics "Last Supper"
    Ascension Press
  • Peter Singer Forgets Boethius
    Word on Fire

    Peter Singer simply skips over the classic definition of personhood offered by Boethius and offers a false dichotomy.

  • Thursday, August 8, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus asks his disciples that devastating question: “But who do you say that I am?” But the disciples don’t speak.

  • How You Can Change the World—National Eucharistic Congress
    Word on Fire

    Friends, the National Eucharistic Congress was one of the highlights of my priesthood.

  • When Charity Is a Dirty Word
    Word on Fire

    The word “charity" always risks being misunderstood, and so do the actions it represents, but never stop loving and caring for those in need.

  • Wednesday, August 7, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, a long tradition stresses the perseverance of the Canaanite woman we meet in today’s Gospel.

  • Strength for the Journey
    Word on Fire

    Friends, we’re continuing our reading of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, which is all about the Eucharist.

  • Word on Fire
  • Tue Aug 06 2024
    Word on Fire
  • William F. Buckley Jr., the St. Paul of the Conservative Movement
    Word on Fire

    Buckley’s faith sustained, inspired, and guided him to the great heights and cultural and political influence he achieved throughout his life.

  • EP29 | The Catholic Conversion of Tammy Peterson
    Word on Fire

    Join Tod and Tammy Peterson as they explore her winding road and exhilarating conversion into the rich graces of the Catholic faith.  

  • Tuesday, August 6, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel presents the Transfiguration of Christ. What is the Transfiguration itself?

  • What to Do in Eucharistic Adoration
    Ascension Press
  • An Introduction to Prayer - Audiobook
    Word on Fire

    Prayer fascinates us. Studies show that even atheists and agnostics sometimes pray. But what precisely is prayer? How does it “work”? And what are some of the time-tested ways to practice it? An Introduction to Prayer offers a collection of rich yet brief reflections on prayer in the Catholic spiritual tradition from acclaimed author, speaker, and theologian Bishop Robert Barron. This book explores the answers to questions like: Why should I pray? What should I say or do when I’m praying? Who exactly am I praying to? Are there different types of prayer? What do the spiritual masters say about prayer? How can I establish a solid routine of prayer? And many more Perfect for beginners but filled with profound insights for those looking to further their spiritual life, An Introduction to Prayer will inspire you to seek out more frequent conversation—and a deeper communion—with God. 

  • How to Make a Holy Hour
    Ascension Press
  • Olympian Obscenity
    Mon Aug 05 2024
    Word on Fire

    The mockery at the Olympics laid bare the rotten fruit of a radical ideology. Here are 5 ways to combat increasingly pervasive queer ideology.

  • Carlo Acutis, the First Millennial Saint
    Word on Fire

    May the witness of Carlo Acutis inspire many young people to walk the same path of holiness and greatness.

  • WOF 449: Are Reverent Liturgies & Social Justice at Odds?
    Word on Fire

    How should we understand the right relationship between the liturgy of the Church and the virtue of justice, including social justice?

  • Monday, August 5, 2024
    Mon Aug 05 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, we see Jesus’ miracle of feeding the five thousand.

  • "The Most Important Sight" | 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Give the first fruits and gather the fragments. We are given two commands in this weekend’s readings: to give the first fruits and gather the fragments. Our temptation, however, is to do the opposite; to give the fragments and gather the first fruits. In order to have a heart like Christ, we must become givers.

  • Sunday, August 4, 2024
    Sun Aug 04 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel comes from the bread of life discourse: “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”

  • Saturday, August 3, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Herod has John the Baptist beheaded, making him a protomartyr of Christ’s followers, the first of many martyrs to come.

  • When Trauma Comes to Your Home
    Ascension Press
  • Fri Aug 02 2024
    Word on Fire
  • Fri Aug 02 2024
    Word on Fire
  • Get to Know Rose Coleman
    Word on Fire

    Nell joined Rose Coleman, leader of the Primary Catholic Educators Formation Community in the Institute, to learn about its mission.

  • Friday, August 2, 2024
    Fri Aug 02 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today, in Matthew’s account of the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth, Christ refers to himself as a prophet.

  • Difficult Topics in Middle Grade Novels
    Word on Fire

    In this episode, Haley interviews Claire Swinarski, the award-winning author of What Happened to Rachel Riley?

  • If You're Tired of Needing God
    Ascension Press
  • The Catholic Eucharist in the Bible
    Ascension Press

    For the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jeff Cavins explains that when Jesus said he is the Bread of Life, he meant it literally

  • The Word on Fire Bible (Volume IV): The Promised Land
    Word on Fire

    The Word on Fire Bible is a groundbreaking series introducing readers to the strange, colorful world of the Bible. It was designed to appeal not just to Christians, but to nonbelievers, searchers, and those with far more questions than answers. It doesn’t presume any experience with the Bible; in fact, it was created for people reading the Bible seriously for the first time, who may be unsure of what to make of its many events and characters. Inside this newest volume, you’ll find the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings, surrounded by illuminating artwork and helpful commentary. Accompanying the text of Scripture, you’ll find over 75 commentaries from Bishop Robert Barron and over 175 commentaries from mystics, artists, and scholars throughout history. This volume also includes 40 works of art with commentary, 8 word studies of the original Hebrew, and introductions written by Peter Kreeft, Sally Read, Katie Prejean McGrady, Richard DeClue, and more. The Word on Fire Bible makes one of the hardest books to read more accessible with features such as: Large font Single-column layout Acclaimed translation Beautiful religious art Excellent commentary Click here to watch the video and view full details.

  • If You're Tired of Needing God
    Ascension Press
  • Thu Aug 01 2024
    Word on Fire
  • A Look Inside the Devil’s Playbook with “The Screwtape Letters”
    Word on Fire

    From "The Screwtape Letters," we may note three maneuvers that demons employ, along with corresponding strategies for defense and response.

  • Thursday, August 1, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel reminds us of the final judgment when the wicked will be separated from the righteous.

  • Horcruxes, Artificial Intelligence, and the Last Supper
    Word on Fire

    What are we pouring into AI? Are we following Jesus’ example in the Eucharist? Or are we more closely imitating Voldemort and his horcruxes?

  • How to Use Reason to Learn About God
    Word on Fire

    Dr. Christopher Kaczor discusses his new course in the Word on Fire Institute, "How to Use Reason to Learn About God."

  • Wednesday, July 31, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today Jesus offers two parables about the kingdom of heaven.

  • Everything in This World Passes Away
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in the midst of our country’s great Eucharistic Revival, we continue our reading of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John. And this week, I want to reflect on a line that names something so spiritually basic: “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.” Mass Readings Discover more sermons from Bishop Barron here.

  • On Assisted Suicide
    Tue Jul 30 2024
    Word on Fire

    Assisted suicide and euthanasia are being legalized or at least debated throughout much of the world today. But should suicide ever be assisted? When someone is suffering and no longer wants to live, and asks another to help him end his life, what is the right response? In this powerful volume in Word on Fire’s Dignity Series, Stephanie Gray Connors engages both the mind and the heart in answering these increasingly urgent questions. Through ten proposed principles to help guide the conversation, On Assisted Suicide will draw readers into the mysteries of joy and suffering, life and death, and the unconditional dignity of the human person.  Why dignity? Because human dignity (dignitas, the worthiness of each person) is the foundation of all human society. Jacques Maritain, the Catholic philosopher who helped draft the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, affirmed this in saying, “The privilege connected with the dignity of the person is inalienable, and human life involves a sacred right.” In a time of political polarization, social division, and the ongoing “culture wars,” the Dignity Series aims to refocus our attention on human dignity. The series enters into the great mystery of human life with wonder and reverence, and unflinchingly faces grave threats to human dignity, many of them ignored in the culture today. Each volume in the series will examine one of those threats, drawing on rational argument, spiritual sources, and above all, personal stories that take readers into the lived experience on the frontier of the issue. This broad mix of ideas and approaches acknowledges that a wide variety of backgrounds and personalities shape how we interact with these questions—and that if a book is to help us grow, it has to stir our hearts as well as activate our minds.The Dignity Series emerges out of and points back to the whole-life ethic of Catholic social teaching, which is grounded in the principle of human dignity. “Social justice,” the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “can be obtained only in respecting the transcendent dignity of man” (CCC 1929). And that dignity, on the Catholic reading, can only finally rest on our status as creatures made in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26). However, these books are for anyone—Catholic or non-Catholic, religious or nonreligious—who wrestles with these issues and longs to see a more informed and considerate approach to them.

  • The Story of America’s Three-Year Eucharistic Revival
    Word on Fire

    Friends, though in the works since 2019, our National Eucharistic Revival is just beginning.

  • Made, Named, and Loved: “Pinocchio with Reflections on a Father’s Love”
    Word on Fire

    Nembrini's commentary on Pinocchio exposes the prodigal son story, a false understanding of freedom, and a selfless father who loves his son.

  • Tuesday, July 30, 2024
    Tue Jul 30 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in our Gospel today, Jesus explains the parable of the weeds among the wheat.

  • How to Grow in Eucharistic Devotion
    Ascension Press
  • How the Blessed Mother Can Help You Grow in Patience (feat. Br. Lawrence)
    Ascension Press

    “Mary is a model for us because she is a model of Jesus.” Today, Fr. Mark-Mary is joined by Br. Lawrence to discuss the two great virtues of the Blessed Mother and how to imitate them in your own spiritual life.

  • How to Receive Holy Communion
    Ascension Press
  • Celebrating the Epochal Publication of “The Fellowship of the Ring” 70 Years On
    Word on Fire

    Looking at the fantasy genre before and after Tolkien, we see that something epochal happened with the publication of The Lord of the Rings. 

  • WOF 448: Freedom & Political Order w/ Patrick Deneen—Part I
    Word on Fire

    Here's the first part of Bishop Barron's conversation with Patrick Deneen, a professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame.

  • Monday, July 29, 2024
    Mon Jul 29 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and anyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”

  • "Give and Gather"|17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Give the first fruits and gather the fragments. We are given two commands in this weekend’s readings: to give the first fruits and gather the fragments. Our temptation, however, is to do the opposite; to give the fragments and gather the first fruits. In order to have a heart like Christ, we must become givers.

  • Sunday, July 28, 2024
    Sun Jul 28 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel today focuses on St. John’s intense meditation on the meaning of the Eucharist.

  • Saturday, July 27, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel today is the parable of the wheat and the weeds.

  • The Seeds of Indianapolis
    Ascension Press
  • Fri Jul 26 2024
    Word on Fire
  • Fri Jul 26 2024
    Word on Fire
  • Leave the World a Better Place and a Better Person
    Word on Fire

    Our mission may not be what we would have chosen, but it's the mission that will enable us to become the loving person God created us to be.

  • Friday, July 26, 2024
    Fri Jul 26 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus explains the parable of the sower. Let’s study each part of his explanation.

  • The Importance of Unity in the Church
    Ascension Press
  • The Place of Beauty in Catechesis
    Word on Fire

    May the whole Church witness to the beauty of catechesis that God that radiates from creation, music, art, and the lives of the saints.

  • Thursday, July 25, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, the mother of James and John asks Jesus in their name that they might play leading roles in his kingdom.

  • Princesses of Heaven Locket
    Word on Fire

      Every little girl dreams of being a princess, and now your daughter can embrace the enchantment of the Princesses of Heaven with this delightful locket necklace. Inspired by the captivating book that tells the tales of six heroic women, this locket is a precious treasure that celebrates love and virtue. Inside the locket, she will discover the heavenly princesses: St. Joan of Arc, St. Josephine Bakhita, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Narcisa de Jesus, St. Lucy Yi Zhenmei, and St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Each of these saintly princesses is beautifully depicted with a sparkling, radiant crown, reminding your daughter of her true identity as a beloved daughter of the heavenly King.  Crafted from rose gold plated over brass with a cubic zirconia gem, this locket dazzles with elegance and charm. It comes nestled in a luxurious, velvety pouch, making it the perfect gift for your little princess. With this enchanting necklace, she can carry the inspiring stories of these heavenly heroines wherever she goes, feeling courage and grace guiding her every step. Let your daughter’s dreams of sainthood soar with the Princess of Heaven Locket Necklace, a symbol of heroic love and virtue.

  • Attn: Moms and Dads: You Don't Need to be Perfect to Get Your Kids to Heaven
    Ascension Press

    Calling all Moms and Dads! You might feel discouraged or frustrated as you parent and seek to keep your kids close to Christ. Today, Fr. Mike wants to share a word of encouragement with you! “Moms (and Dads), you’re doing a great job!” You don’t need to be perfect to get your kids to heaven. You must keep showing up and loving, and let God do the rest!

  • Marian Apparitions: Good or Bad?
    Ascension Press
  • Where Heaven and Earth Meet
    Word on Fire

    Friends, this Sunday we begin five weeks of Gospel readings from the sixth chapter of John, which is all about the Eucharist.

  • Meet Secondary Catholic Educator Dr. Melissa Mitchell
    Word on Fire

    Dr. Melissa Mitchell leads the Word on Fire Institute's Secondary Catholic Educators Formation Community and discusses its goal and mission.

  • Wednesday, July 24, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today is the parable of the sower and the seed. It has to do with the growth and development of the kingdom of God.

  • The 4 Fundamental Questions Every Human Must Ask (feat. Debbie Herbeck)
    Ascension Press

    In our modern world of Instagram influencers, TikTok icons, and celebrities, feeling lonely, isolated, or discouraged can be easy. But your identity is not tied up in how many people know your name or laud you for your accomplishments. Today, Debbie Herbeck wants to help you find your identity, purpose, and meaning by asking yourself these four fundamental questions.

  • The Eucharistic Congress and the Primacy of the Supernatural
    Word on Fire

    Cheers for all those involved in the Eucharistic Congress. God bless them for allowing the spirit of the supernatural to breathe through it. 

  • Beware the Idolatry of Politics
    Word on Fire

    Give God everything. Make him your one true God. Don’t establish other gods in his place, especially when it comes to politics and the news.

  • EP28 | The New Ressourcement — Jason Paone
    Word on Fire

    Tod and Dr. Jason Paone delve into the intellectual history of the Ressourcement movement and why Word on Fire finds it necessary today.

  • Tuesday, July 23, 2024
    Tue Jul 23 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, someone tells Jesus, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, asking to speak with you.”

  • When You Feel Overwhelmed
    Ascension Press
  • What Is God's Will for My Life? Discernment 101 (feat. Br. Lawrence)
    Ascension Press

    How do I know what God wants for my life? How do I make decisions that I can feel certain are within his will for me? What does discernment even mean? Today, Br. Lawrence once again joins Fr. Mark-Mary to discuss how to navigate any decision, whether great or small, with these simple principles for discernment.

  • How to Make the Most of Mass
    Ascension Press
  • Philosopher David Solomon Enters the Catholic Church
    Word on Fire

    Now, in his conversion, David Solomon has given us all yet another lesson by his powerful example: to take the next step that God gives us.

  • WOF 447: The Crossroads of Religion & Politics—Part 2
    Word on Fire

    Here is the second part of Bishop Barron’s discussion with Tod Worner on how Catholics should explore crossroads of religion and politics.

  • Monday, July 22, 2024
    Mon Jul 22 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today we celebrate the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, the first witness of Christ’s rising, who declared the Resurrection to the Apostles.

  • "Rest a While"| 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    A person cannot be excellent without rest. Human beings are made in God’s image. We are also made for love, for labor, and for leisure. Since the Fall, these gifts have become distorted in our hearts and we have to fight for the ability to love well, to labor well, and even to leisure well. But we must strive to rest well if we are going to be the people God has made and redeemed us to be.

  • Sunday, July 21, 2024
    Sun Jul 21 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel shows Jesus’ compassion for the multitude in the desert.

  • Saturday, July 20, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, we hear a passage from Isaiah echoing the baptism of Jesus: “Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom I delight.” 

  • Brideshead Revisited
    Fri Jul 19 2024
    Word on Fire

    Brideshead Revisited details the journey of Charles Ryder, who, through the memories of his interactions with an aristocratic English family, encounters various episodes of conversion and experiences the illuminating power of divine grace—which, in the words of G.K. Chesterton, tugs on human hearts “with a twitch upon the thread.” Lodged between two world wars and burdened by the stark collapse of culture, Charles Ryder comes face to face with the perils of sin and confronts the inescapable yearnings of faith. Bishop Barron considers this book “the finest Catholic novel of the twentieth century.”

  • Your Questions and My Answers (Part 3)
    Ascension Press
  • Forming a Child's Taste for Beauty
    Word on Fire

    In this episode Haley interviews Daniel Mitsui, a professional artist specializing in sacred art.

  • No, Ray Kurzweil Is Not Right (Again), and You Won’t Meet His Immortal Soul in the Cloud
    Word on Fire

    The theories of Bernard Lonergan and Robert Doran show that Kurzweil’s understanding of mind and consciousness is fundamentally flawed.

  • Friday, July 19, 2024
    Fri Jul 19 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, again and again in the Gospels, Jesus is portrayed as violating the sacred command to rest on the seventh day.

  • We Prayed for Healing, But They Still Died. Why? (feat. Dr. Scott and Annie Powell)
    Ascension Press

    Have you ever had the experience of praying for something specific but not receiving the answer you hoped for? Why can we pray for healing but not receive the outcome we hoped for? Is God not listening? Today, Dr. Scott and Annie Powell share some personal stories related to unanswered prayers and how to find meaning and comfort even when our prayers are not answered.

  • Jesus the Good Shepherd
    Ascension Press
  • Green Pathways Back to Church?
    Word on Fire

    Church teaching on the environment isn't reducible to environmentalism. Here are 3 points of departure open-minded nature-lovers can explore.

  • Thursday, July 18, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus is not offering us one more philosophy of God.

  • Can't I Go Straight to Jesus? Do I Need the Catholic Church?
    Ascension Press

    Maybe you’ve heard the phrase before, “the middleman is a lie.” Or maybe you’ve found yourself wondering why we have an institutional church as Catholics when the Scriptures state clearly that there is only one mediator between God and man, namely Jesus Christ. Today, Fr. Mike tackles this question and offers some guidance for those who may be tempted to get frustrated with the human and sometimes sinful element of the Catholic Church in it’s hierarchy and its members. Hint: It’s another one of those “both/and” Catholic situations.

  • Praying to the God Who Overcomes the Gap
    Word on Fire

    May prayer help us trust, hope, and love the God who overcomes the gap and the many souls he is entrusting to our passionate evangelization.

  • Wednesday, July 17, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, we see Jesus praying to his Father.

  • The Shepherd Has Arrived
    Word on Fire

    Friends, the readings for this Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time are interwoven with each other in a very interesting way.

  • What is the Brown Scapular? (feat. Fr. Michael-Joseph Paris OCD)
    Ascension Press

    Most Catholics have heard of the brown scapular given to the Carmelites by Our Lady of Mount Carmel, but many still have questions about its history and importance in Catholic life. Today, you are in luck because Fr. Michael-Joseph Paris, OCD, joins us to answer some of the internet’s most asked questions about the little Brown Scapular.

  • Taking the Time This Summer to Pray
    Word on Fire

    As secularism has gripped so many, summer provides a greater opportunity to pray, rest in the Lord, consider the higher and deeper things. 

  • Tuesday, July 16, 2024
    Tue Jul 16 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today Jesus declares judgment on the towns of Galilee that did not believe in him and repent.

  • How to Do Lectio Divina (feat. Br. Lawrence) + Catholic 101
    Ascension Press

    Do you desire to read the Scripture daily but feel overwhelmed by it? Does it feel like the Bible can be dense and hard to understand? Today, Br. Lawrence joins Fr. Mark-Mary to share how to get started reading scripture daily and how to do Lectio Divina, a traditional Catholic practice of praying with scripture. This Catholic 101 guide will walk you through the steps of this ancient prayer method for deepening your spiritual life.

  • How to Let the Eucharist Shape Your Life
    Ascension Press
  • Understanding and Avoiding Usury
    Word on Fire

    We can reduce the evil of usury and witness to the dignity of borrowers. Economic exchange does not have to be a matter of profit.

  • WOF 446: Five Animating Sensibilities for Evangelization
    Word on Fire

    During a Word on Fire Institute member event in London, Bishop Barron reflected on five animating sensibilities for evangelization.

  • Monday, July 15, 2024
    Mon Jul 15 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus lays down the conditions for discipleship: “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me

  • "Borrowed Time" | 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Does God have permission to say “I want it back?” We are all living on borrowed time. And borrowed gifts…and borrowed strengths… Everything we have has been loaned to us from God. At some point, God will interrupt our lives and will ask for His gifts back. He will interrupt our lives and ask for us to return all that has been entrusted to us. Will we be free enough to say “Here it is. I hope that the way I used it glorified You.”?

  • Sunday, July 14, 2024
    Sun Jul 14 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus sends the Twelve on their mission to announce the nearness of the kingdom.

  • Saturday, July 13, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, Jesus instructs his disciples in today’s Gospel, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna.”

  • Cross That Bridge When We Get There
    Ascension Press
  • Wisdom and Warnings from “The Giver” Ten Years On
    Word on Fire

    This dystopian novel holds up a funhouse mirror to our own society. We all ought to reflect upon it and remember what we are at risk of forgetting altogether.

  • Friday, July 12, 2024
    Fri Jul 12 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in our Gospel today, Jesus assures us that the Holy Spirit will help us when we face persecution.

  • What a Rich Inheritance We Have in Christ!
    Ascension Press
  • A New Golden Age of Conversion
    Word on Fire

    This modern movement is reminiscent of the conversions of C.S. Lewis and T.S. Eliot—rooted in logic and responding to distrust of human institutions.

  • Thursday, July 11, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus sends the Twelve to evangelize the countryside.

  • Mary’s Power over Satan
    Ascension Press
  • Singing with Wisdom: Music in Roman Catholic Worship—Part 3
    Word on Fire

    It is clear that the liturgy as we have it was not the Council Fathers' vision. A cursory reading of Sacrosantum Concilium makes that obvious.

  • Wednesday, July 10, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus commissions the twelve Apostles.

  • The Earliest Moments of the Church
    Word on Fire

    Friends, on this Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, our Gospel from the sixth chapter of Mark is Jesus sending the Twelve out on mission.

  • Tue Jul 09 2024
    Word on Fire
  • The Bible in 10 Minutes (feat. Fr. Mike Schmitz)
    Ascension Press

    The Bible is the Word of God. But… what exactly is the story? If you only had 10 minutes to share it… what would you say?

  • Singing with Wisdom: Music in Roman Catholic Worship—Part 2
    Word on Fire

    We look at council documents and the guiding principle of “organic development.” When innovations led music astray, right order was asserted.

  • EP27 | The True Meaning of Humanism: Religion and Human Values — Randall Poole
    Word on Fire

    Join Tod and Professor Randall Poole as they discuss a Catholic humanism that invigorates the spirit while rebutting empty ideology.

  • Tuesday, July 9, 2024
    Tue Jul 09 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus directs his disciples to “ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest,” to pray for evangelists to rescue the lost.

  • How to Approach Jesus like St. Peter
    Ascension Press
  • Marian Consecration with Fr. Michelangelo: What's the Big Deal?
    Ascension Press

    Have you heard of Marian Consecration before? Do you know what “True Devotion to Mary” means? Today, Fr. Michelangelo joins Fr. Mark-Mary to share his favorite devotion, a Marian Consecration, according to St. Louis Marie De Montfort. Ask the Blessed Mother to be your Mother.

  • Former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. Excommunicated
    Word on Fire

    That Viganò is guilty of schism and has been excommunicated is lamentable. Let us pray for the medicinal aims of the censure to be effective.

  • Singing with Wisdom: Music in Roman Catholic Worship—Part 1
    Word on Fire

    The way we worship is critical to the life and health of the Church, and music is usually at the forefront of comments and complaints about Mass.

  • WOF 445: The Crossroads of Religion & Politics—Part I
    Word on Fire

    Here is the first part of Bishop Barron’s discussion with Tod Worner on how Catholics should navigate the crossroads of religion and politics.

  • Monday, July 8, 2024
    Mon Jul 08 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, the centerpiece of our Gospel today is the story of the hemorrhaging woman.

  • "A Thorn in the Side" | 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    God can be glorified through our wounds, not merely in spite of them. We all experience brokenness. We all experience God’s love through a broken lens. And yet we do encounter them in this way.

  • Sunday, July 7, 2024
    Sun Jul 07 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel develops a theme that is uncomfortable. It tells how the people of Nazareth rejected Jesus.

  • Saturday, July 6, 2024
    Sat Jul 06 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us the parable of new wine and old and new wineskins.

  • Forgive and Forgiven: Dealing with Standoffs
    Ascension Press
  • Stepping Into the Presence of God—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Giving your whole life to Christ will bring the greatest joy, yet we find ourselves afraid of that kind of trust and intimacy.

  • Heidi Schlumpf’s Great Disservice to Aquinas’ Charism and Theology
    Word on Fire

    The only misuse of Aquinas is the attempt to co-opt his theology in order to bless the sexual revolution, particularly the LGBTQ movement.

  • A Revolution in Biology, A Distortion in Theology
    Word on Fire

    The claims in Dr. John Wallingford's article are misleading and mistaken. All humans deserve to be “protected by law and welcomed in life.”

  • Friday, July 5, 2024
    Fri Jul 05 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today is the simple but magnificent story of the conversion of Matthew.

  • Bringing the Saints to Life
    Word on Fire

    This episode features Fabiola Garza, the author and illustrator of bestselling book Princesses of Heaven.

  • Freedom Is Not Unhindered Liberty
    Word on Fire

    When we choose what leads to our ultimate end, God, we will become happy. Freedom employed towards the good leads to human flourishing.

  • Pier Giorgio Frassati, a Patron Saint for the Lay Apostolate
    Word on Fire

    Christians have a sacred duty to Christify the world by humble, authentic witness to the Gospel. Pier Giorgio Frassati knew this in his bones.

  • Thursday, July 4, 2024
    Thu Jul 04 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in our Gospel today, Jesus heals a paralytic, but not before first forgiving his sins: “People brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher.

  • What Scripture Tells Us About Mary
    Ascension Press
  • May My Hunger for You Far Exceed My Reach
    Word on Fire

    I never would have imagined that I would find myself where I am today. But I know that the Eucharist led me here. 

  • Wednesday, July 3, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel celebrates St. Thomas the Apostle. Why do we love this story of doubting Thomas so much?

  • A Thorn in the Flesh
    Wed Jul 03 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, on this Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, our second reading is from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians.

  • Nothing But You, Lord
    Tue Jul 02 2024
    Word on Fire

    In 1990, Pope John Paul II spoke of a “crisis of priestly identity.” Decades later, the crisis is not over, and the lack of a clear sense of priestly identity is the single greatest obstacle to the proper formation of priests today. In Nothing But You, Lord, longtime seminary professor and formation advisor Fr. John Cush draws on the thought of Bishop Robert Barron to recover the fundamentals of what it means to be a Catholic priest. Fr. Cush explores the qualities and character of the priest; the role of hope amidst priestly abuses and failures; and the four dimensions of priestly formation—human, intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral—outlined by Pope John Paul II. Featuring a foreword by Bishop John Barres, Nothing But You, Lord is an encouraging return to the basics of the Catholic priesthood.

  • Summer To-Do List for Catholic School Teachers
    Word on Fire

    Here are ten practical ways Catholic school teachers can focus first on faith over the summer in preparation to make the Pledge of Fidelity.

  • Does a Single Hangover Disprove God’s Existence?
    Word on Fire

    The logical problem of evil has been widely recognized by contemporary philosophers as a failure to disprove the existence of God.

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2024
    Tue Jul 02 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in this wonderful story of the calming of the storm at sea, we witness some of the spiritual dynamics of fear and trust.

  • 4 Ways to Grow in Trust (feat. Fr. Michelangelo)
    Ascension Press

    What’s keeping you from trusting God? Is fear restricting your capacity for relationships? Today, Fr. Michelangelo joins Fr. Mark-Mary to share four practical ways to overcome fear and grow in trusting in God and His goodness. As St. Padre Pio loved to say, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”

  • When We Are Weak, Christ Is Strong in Us
    Ascension Press

    In this week’s Encountering the Word video for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jeff Cavins offers some truly inspiring words to help us have faith in the fact that God’s grace is sufficient for us. The readings are:

  • The Athenaeum Center Offers Truth Through Narrative
    Word on Fire

    The Athenaeum Center offers art that frames Truth that's temporally understandable and constitutes a doorway for Truth to enter the soul.

  • WOF 444: Bishop Barron Speaks at Parliament
    Word on Fire

    Bishop Barron spoke to members of Parliament in London on the presence, endurance, and cultural force of the Church in society.

  • Monday, July 1, 2024
    Mon Jul 01 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, a man who appears willing to become Jesus’ disciple makes a reasonable request: “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.”

  • "Raincoats and Umbrellas" | 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    The Sacraments are God’s presence and power…do we let them change us? We continually come into contact with the living God in the Sacraments. But we often leave our encounter with the Sacraments the same as when we arrived. If we are open to what God wants, we are surrendering to His will.

  • Sunday, June 30, 2024
    Sun Jun 30 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, the centerpiece of today’s Gospel is Jesus healing the hemorrhaging woman.

  • Saturday, June 29, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel spells out the importance of Peter’s confession.

  • Lourdes: An Invitation to Healing
    Ascension Press
  • No Human Is Merely Mortal
    Ascension Press
  • Faith Works Wonders in “Sound of Hope”
    Word on Fire

    Angel Studios' latest, "Sound of Hope," presents a robust, gritty vision of the Christian faith in action in a fallen world. 

  • Friday, June 28, 2024
    Fri Jun 28 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus heals a leper. In our sickness, our weakness, our shame, our sin, our oddness, many of us feel like this leper.

  • Bad Infinity, Good Infinity, and the Truth
    Word on Fire

    Escaping limitations imposed on us by the existence of objective truth appears as infinite freedom but turns out to be a “bad infinity."

  • Thursday, June 27, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us the parable about building on rock or on sand.

  • Ascension Press

    Does a passing blue jay remind you of a deceased loved one? Does a specific number or color call their loss to your memory? Could they be speaking to you through these signs?Today, Fr. Mike opens up about navigating the loss of his own mother and finding hope and peace in the midst of that grief. The bottom line is, your loved ones can’t cause these “signs” to happen—only God can work in nature in that way. But these unexpected occurrences can be a reminder to pray for your loved ones and to recall the gift of their lives.

  • God on Stage
    Wed Jun 26 2024
    Word on Fire

    "All the world’s a stage"—but are the men and women merely players, or actors in a heavenly drama? In God on Stage, renowned author and professor Peter Kreeft explores fifteen great dramas, and within them, five great themes: life, death, suffering, religion, and damnation. From classics like Oedipus the King and Hamlet to modern plays like Robert Bolt’s A Man for All Seasons and Cormac McCarthy’s The Sunset Limited, Kreeft draws vivid lessons on the big questions we all ask ourselves. Like the plays it takes up, God on Stage invites readers to smile and frown, ponder and fall in love, and sit back in awe and wonder—at art, God, and the art of God that is man.

  • An Explanation of Marian Devotions
    Ascension Press
  • Allow the Spirit to Give Witness—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Liturgical seasons help us to become better Catholics through the ups and downs of life. Fr. Dave

  • Amazed and Afraid—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Being a witness to the son of God left all those watching amazed and afraid.

  • Embracing the Challenge—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Mark Bradford has devoted his life to speaking on behalf of the disabled community.

  • A Rescue Mission—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophy winner and former NFL quarterback, shares his love of the Gospel, and calls everyone to be a true witness in telling the world the good news of Jesus Christ.

  • Bishop Robert Barron Named 2024 “Author of the Year” by Catholic Media Association
    Word on Fire

    Bishop Robert Barron was named 2024 “Author of the Year” by the Catholic Media Association, and Word on Fire Publishing received 41 awards.

  • Reclaiming Faith and Reason
    Word on Fire

    By reaffirming both faith and reason, properly understood, we can together fulfill our purpose to tend and enjoy the earth God has given us.

  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that a tree is known by its fruits. In the fifth chapter of his Letter to the Galatians, Paul makes this very specific.

  • Reach Out in Faith
    Wed Jun 26 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, there’s something Hemingway-esque about Mark’s Gospel—something very direct and uncomplicated.

  • The New Vatican Document on the Papacy: An Overview
    Word on Fire

    Overall, the contents of the DPCU's new document on the papacy demonstrates a marked step in the right direction.

  • EP26 | Understanding the Hillbilly Thomist — Fr. Damian Ference
    Word on Fire

    Join Tod and Fr. Damian Ference as they explore the thought of Flannery O’Connor in his powerful book, "Understanding the Hillbilly Thomist."

  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
    Tue Jun 25 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel raises a crucial question about heaven and hell: Who will be in and who will be out? Origen argued that all people will be saved.

  • Becoming God’s Masterpiece
    Ascension Press
  • How to Overcome Dryness in Prayer (feat. Fr. Michelangelo)
    Ascension Press

    Have you ever felt like God isn’t listening to your prayers? Did you know that can actually be a good thing—God calling you to a greater spiritual maturity? Oftentimes when we are new or growing in the spiritual life, God allows us to experience His consolations—a feeling of overwhelming love or our hearts being on fire for the Gospel. However, in order to grow in prayer and get closer to the Heart of Jesus, we must lose these “training wheels,” so-to-speak, because God desires us to love Him as our creator and redeemer, not because we get good feelings. Fr. Michelangelo shares today several strategies for overcoming dryness in prayer and taking your prayer life to the next level!

  • Embracing the Trades at the College of Saint Joseph the Worker
    Word on Fire

    We do live in an age of anxiety. Learning the trades can offer substantial aid to many of the problems that we're now suffering. 

  • WOF 443: How Should We Understand Miracles?
    Word on Fire

    We discuss the Catholic understanding of miracles and how they fit with a comprehensive evangelical vision of the life of the Church.

  • Monday, June 24, 2024
    Mon Jun 24 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.

  • "True Surrender" | 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    We are called to surrender to God’s will. But how do we surrender? Is it a matter of feeling or is it a matter of something else? Surrender is an active, dynamic thing. And it is the opposite of rebellion and resentment.

  • Sunday, June 23, 2024
    Sun Jun 23 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, the story at the heart of our Gospel for today is the storm at sea.

  • Saturday, June 22, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel today calls us to entrust our lives completely to God. How often the Bible compels us to meditate on the meaning of faith!

  • Becoming Like John the Baptist
    Ascension Press
  • Lying Is Plastic
    Fri Jun 21 2024
    Ascension Press
  • Reproductive Ethics, Genetic Engineering, and the Common Good
    Word on Fire

    Policies and practices that reflect Lonergan’s ethical principles is essential to aligning reproductive technologies with the common good.

  • Friday, June 21, 2024
    Fri Jun 21 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples not to store up treasures for themselves on earth, but to store up treasures in heaven, “where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.”

  • A Better Narrative of Gender
    Word on Fire

    Haley Stewart interviews Dr. Abigail Favale, a professor in the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame and the author of The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory.

  • The Secret to Staying Happily Married
    Ascension Press
  • What Can I Do? Jill’s House and the Value of Respite
    Word on Fire

    Jill's House is a Christian nonprofit that loves and offers services to families raising individuals with profound intellectual disabilities.

  • Thursday, June 20, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel gives us the Our Father. It asks that God’s will be done “on earth as it is in heaven,” but biblical cosmology sees these two realms as interpenetrating fields of force.

  • The Secret to Staying Happily Married
    Ascension Press

    We’ve got a “Marriage Pop-Quiz” for you! Would you ditch your spouse to catch a flight? Imagine you’re traveling with your spouse. They go to the bathroom while you wait for your flight to board. But they don’t come back. And you’re going to miss your flight. Should you board it and ditch your spouse? What would you do in this situation? According to Fr. Mike, there is only one correct answer to this question. And the answer might surprise you. Today, Fr. Mike shares a funny story about an older married couple’s problem when traveling together and his shock and surprise at the variety of responses he received when asking other married couples what they would do in this situation.

  • How Mary Crushes Heresy
    Ascension Press
  • What Is a Writer? Introducing the Institute Writer Showcase 
    Word on Fire

    Writing in community helps us to do our best work. Now, there is a new element of our Institute Writing Community: the Writer Showcase.

  • Wednesday, June 19, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus prescribes the essential disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Let’s focus on fasting and almsgiving.

  • Peace in the Storm
    Wed Jun 19 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today is Mark’s account of the stilling of the sea. We know t

  • Middle Knowledge and “The Good Place”
    Word on Fire

    The show "The Good Place" demonstrates an important truth about God’s knowledge as it relates to human free will—an age old question.

  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024
    Tue Jun 18 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today, in the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord commands us to love our enemies.

  • Are You Dependent on Worldly Comforts?
    Ascension Press
  • How to Strengthen Fragile Relationships
    Ascension Press

    Navigating healthy relationships can be so difficult. Developing good relationships—whether friendships or romantic ones—and deepening them in a fragile world can be challenging. We can be tempted to leave a relationship or dissolve a friendship when things become difficult or when we’re hurt by the other person. It can be challenging to work on deepening these relationships when others have said hurtful or difficult things—but that doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel. Today, Fr. Mark-Mary challenges us to go beyond surface-level friendships and work on deepening our relationships—even though they can be fragile and hard to maintain.

  • Eucharistic Revival - July 2024 DM
    Word on Fire
  • A Parable from the Science Textbook: The Water Cycle of Creation and Redemption
    Word on Fire

    We enter the water cycle of redemption in our baptism. We choose to stay in it through prayer, the sacraments, discipline, and obedience.

  • WOF 442: Dante Ascends the Paradiso
    Word on Fire

    Dante ascends the Paradiso and in the highest heaven beholds the divine glory of the beatific vision: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Monday, June 17, 2024
    Mon Jun 17 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today, in the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord exhorts us to nonresistance to evil.

  • "Always Courageous" | 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Am I basing my life on the gospel of the world or the Gospel of God? We are surrounded by stories. Stories that try to make sense of the world. But not every story is true. In fact, there are many stories that are false. We are called to base our lives on the true story… The story of the Gospel of God.

  • Sunday, June 16, 2024
    Sun Jun 16 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today features the parable of the mustard seed.

  • Saturday, June 15, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, the Lord teaches his way about oaths and vows.

  • Why Women Carry a Purse
    Ascension Press
  • AI Deadbots and the Need for Christian Hope
    Word on Fire

    In a world consumed by the fire of Christian hope, the digital afterlife industry and AI "deadbots" would simply not be conceivable.

  • The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Ascension Press
  • “My Love, She’s in America” Ten Years Hence
    Word on Fire

    "My Love She’s In America" is an encomium of the enduring, a feast of festivity. Folk music in the Catholic world will never be the same.

  • Friday, June 14, 2024
    Fri Jun 14 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel from the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord prohibits divorce.

  • How to Offer It Up
    Thu Jun 13 2024
    Ascension Press
  • My Advice to Young Priests: Follow Your Gifts
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in accepting Holy Orders at a presbyteral ordination, a priest promises to conform his life to Christ, our high priest.

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: A Witness to Truth in Darkness
    Word on Fire

    Solzhenitsyn’s life and work remind us of the supreme importance of bearing witness to truth amidst spiritual emptiness and moral relativism.

  • Thursday, June 13, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches that if a brother has something against us, we must be reconciled with him before we offer our gift at the altar.

  • How to Offer It Up
    Wed Jun 12 2024
    Ascension Press

    Momma always said, “Son, you don’t like something? Well, offer it up!” Today, Fr. Mike explores the traditional understanding of offering up your pain, embracing your suffering, and making sacrifices in the spiritual life.

  • I’m A Disappointment
    Wed Jun 12 2024
    Word on Fire

    I was afraid of being a disappointment. In the eyes of an unbelieving world, Chesterton, Waugh, and Eliot were disappointments too. 

  • Wednesday, June 12, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus promises that he has come not to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.

  • See Things Differently
    Wed Jun 12 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, this Sunday’s readings highlight how people of faith see the world through God's plans, offering a unique perspective on events.

  • Tue Jun 11 2024
    Word on Fire
  • The History and Mystery of Baptism of Desire
    Word on Fire

    Fr. Lusvardi considers the Church’s understanding of baptism of desire as shaped across Christian history—pre-patristic era through the 20th century.

  • The Higher You Go Liturgically, the Lower You Should Go in Service of the Poor
    Word on Fire

    The more we love God, the more we love those whom God loves. The higher you go liturgically, the lower you should go in service of the poor.

  • EP25 | The Political Thought of David Hume — Aaron Zubia
    Word on Fire

    Join Tod Worner and Professor Aaron Alexander Zubia as they dive into his new book, "The Political Thought of David Hume."

  • Tuesday, June 11, 2024
    Tue Jun 11 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus uses the images of salt and light to show how we are to bring salvation to the world.

  • Nothing Is Too Big For God—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Jim Wahlberg shares his journey from growing up in a large family and struggling with addiction to finding his way back to the Church through a chance encounter with Mother Teresa in prison.

  • What Do You Seek?
    Tue Jun 11 2024
    Ascension Press
  • 6 Catholic Music Artists You Need to Listen To
    Ascension Press

    Did you know that there is a revival going on? (and we’re not just referring to the Eucharistic Revival) Today, Fr. Mark-Mary wants to share a secret about a new surge in amazing Catholic music that you might not know yet—but need to hear! The Catholic Church has been the patron of the arts for hundreds of years, so why does it sometimes feel like there isn’t any beautiful Catholic music? A revival of vibrant Catholic music is emerging, from rising stars like Seth Schlueter and Marie Miller to more seasoned artists like Matt Maher, Brother Isaiah, Sarah Kroger, and The Hillbilly Thomists. These talented Catholic musicians draw audiences to Christ and his church through beauty.

  • The Cass Review on Gender Dysphoria
    Word on Fire

    Medical care for those suffering gender dysphoria is a wild west lacking legal regulations, empirical basis, ethical oversights, and uniform standards.

  • WOF 441: Did Bill Maher Become an Ally?
    Word on Fire

    The atheist political commentator Bill Maher’s apparent shift away from anti-Christian rhetoric forms the foundation of today’s discussion.

  • Monday, June 10, 2024
    Mon Jun 10 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus goes up a mountain and sits down to teach.

  • "Becoming Like Him" | 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Am I basing my life on the gospel of the world or the Gospel of God? We are surrounded by stories. Stories that try to make sense of the world. But not every story is true. In fact, there are many stories that are false. We are called to base our lives on the true story… The story of the Gospel of God.

  • Sunday, June 9, 2024
    Sun Jun 09 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, relatives of Jesus claim that he is mad, and scribes blaspheme him, charging that he is possessed by Beelzebul.

  • The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Ascension Press
  • Two Heroes Unite at the International Bioethics Conference
    Word on Fire

    Two of my greatest heroes came together at the Second Annual International Bioethics Conference organized by the Jerome Lejeune Foundation.

  • Saturday, June 8, 2024
    Sat Jun 08 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel tells the familiar story of Mary and Joseph finding twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple.

  • Whispers of Mary (with Gayle Somers)
    Ascension Press
  • The Uniqueness of the Self—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Sr. Bethany Madonna of the Sisters of Life shares her journey, the mercy of God, and her work supporting women vulnerable to abortion.

  • Why Fairy Tales Are Essential Reading with Dr. Vigen Guroian
    Word on Fire

    Haley Stewart interviews Dr. Vigen Guroian, author of Tending the Heart of Virtue.

  • Friday, June 7, 2024
    Fri Jun 07 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, John tells us that a Roman soldier, in order to verify that Jesus was dead, thrust a lance into the side of the crucified Christ, “and immediately blood and water flowed out.”

  • Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Word on Fire

    Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus follows the express wishes of many of our pontiffs and the desire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus himself.

  • What is Eucharistic Adoration?
    Word on Fire

    Friends, if there’s one thing I can encourage you to do—Catholic or not—it is to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament.

  • Eucharistic Revival - July 2024
    Word on Fire
  • Honor Amid Uncertainty: D-Day Eighty Years On
    Word on Fire

    D-day, with all of its achievements, was an honorable, unlikely, and miraculous day. It is jarring to consider how badly it might have gone.

  • Thursday, June 6, 2024
    Thu Jun 06 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, our Gospel for today features the Word of God himself telling us what stands at the heart of the Law.

  • The New Ressourcement
    Wed Jun 05 2024
    Word on Fire

    The New Ressourcement is a quarterly journal of theology and philosophy published by Word on Fire Academic. It serves the Church and the academy by publishing scholarly articles that demonstrate the depth and relevance of the entirety of the Catholic tradition. This journal aims to sentire cum tota ecclesia, to think with the whole Church as it has ever reflected on the mystery of the Incarnate Christ, as seen in sources that are biblical, patristic, medieval, as well as modern. The journal draws inspiration from, and seeks to continue the work of, previous generations of ressourcement theologians. It shares with them a conviction that the renewal of theology and philosophy occurs by returning to sources that remain inexhaustible. This ressourcement is “new” because we trust that this patrimony is fertile enough to encounter contemporary questions confidently and to illuminate the challenges and opportunities that shape the present age.

  • What Catholics Actually Believe About Mary
    Ascension Press
  • Lessons in Apologetics: A Recap from the School Year 
    Word on Fire

    I firmly believe that the answers to these two difficult questions show the pathway forward in apologetics—not just for young people.

  • What Is Sin?
    Wed Jun 05 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, we return now to Ordinary Time, and this Sunday, the Church gives us such a fundamentally important reading from the third chapter of the book of Genesis, which is about the fall.

  • Wednesday, June 5, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus is debating the materialists of his day: the Sadducees, those who deny the resurrection of the dead.

  • Your Story Can Change The World—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Immaculée Ilibagiza, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, shares how through her suffering she learned what it means to truly forgive someone and the new life that comes from that forgiveness.

  • Teach The Truth By Living It—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Dr. Peter Kreeft speaks about the mission of Christians, which is evangelization.

  • It’s Hard to Be a Saint in the City
    Word on Fire

    Springsteen never left his provincial, parochial roots behind. Culturally, he stayed local and situated in the Catholic cultural landscape.

  • Tuesday, June 4, 2024
    Tue Jun 04 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus enunciates a principle that is an implicit resolution of the vexing problem of religion and politics: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”

  • Bishop Barron Presents | Patrick J. Deneen - Freedom, Truth, and the Political Order
    Word on Fire

    Friends, Patrick J. Deneen is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame and, I’d argue, one of the most thought-provoking and interesting political philosophers on the scene today.

  • On Beauty and Imitation
    Word on Fire

    In our decline and fall of culture and art, we need a more coherent understanding of art as imitation of beauty that makes up sacred order.

  • WOF 440: Atoning for the Seven Deadly Sins
    Word on Fire

    In order to atone for each of the seven deadly sins, those in purgatory are punished with the repetitive practice of a countervailing virtue.

  • Monday, June 3, 2024
    Mon Jun 03 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel tells of the landowner who planted a vineyard and leased it to tenants.

  • Gift and Mystery: His Very Self | Corpus Christi Sunday (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Am I basing my life on the gospel of the world or the Gospel of God? We are surrounded by stories. Stories that try to make sense of the world. But not every story is true. In fact, there are many stories that are false. We are called to base our lives on the true story… The story of the Gospel of God.

  • Sunday, June 2, 2024
    Sun Jun 02 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel focuses on the spiritual power of the Eucharist. A central claim of the Catholic Church is that Jesus is substantially present under the forms of bread and wine.

  • Saturday, June 1, 2024
    Sat Jun 01 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders approach Jesus and ask him, “By what authority are you doing these things?”

  • Corpus Christi Sunday
    Fri May 31 2024
    Ascension Press
  • I Need to Make a Decision
    Ascension Press
  • Author Eric A. Clayton on Star Wars and Ignatian Spirituality
    Word on Fire

    Eric A. Clayton discusses how the characters and stories of the Star Wars universe can serve as guides along our own spiritual journeys.

  • Friday, May 31, 2024
    Fri May 31 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel tells of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. I’ve always been fascinated by Mary’s “haste” in this story of the Visitation.

  • I Love Being Catholic. Here's Why.
    Ascension Press
  • Evolutionary Biologists Can Learn from Catholics
    Word on Fire

    Though evolutionary biologists contribute to a Catholic understanding of science, they may have more to learn from Catholics than vice versa.

  • Thursday, May 30, 2024
    Thu May 30 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus heals a blind man. Physical blindness is an evocative symbol of the terrible blindness of the soul that all of us sinners experience.

  • I Love Being Catholic. Here's Why.
    Ascension Press
  • Why You Need Mary
    Wed May 29 2024
    Ascension Press
  • Reviving the Spiritual Revolution
    Word on Fire

    The spiritual revolution began with the Resurrection, was carried forward by the disciples, and changed the world. How can this be revived?

  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, James and John ask Jesus to place them in high places in his kingdom.

  • The Power of Eucharistic Adoration
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel focuses on the spiritual power of the Eucharist. A central claim of the Catholic Church is that Jesus is substantially present under the forms of bread and wine.

  • Be Sterile and Subtract?
    Word on Fire

    Rather than extinction, wouldn’t it be better to give future generations the chance to live and love, even if it involves loss and suffering?

  • EP24 | Václav Havel & The Power of the Powerless — Flagg Taylor
    Word on Fire

    Playwright Václav Havel crafted essays that changed the landscape of resistance. Tod and Flagg Taylor unpack two of Havel’s timeless essays.

  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024
    Tue May 28 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel exhorts us to see the radicality and rewards of Jesus’ call to discipleship, which cuts through so many of the social conventions of his time and ours.

  • Who Are the Saints, and How Do We Pray With Them? (feat. Br. Lawrence)
    Ascension Press

    Are you struggling to figure out which saint you should pray to? You feel convicted that you should have a devotion to the saints, but there are just so many to choose from. Are you unsure of where to begin? Today, Br. Lawrence discusses with Fr. Mark-Mary what devotion to the Saints looks like for a faithful Catholic and how to identify ways to deepen your devotion to particular ones. Together, they explore intercession, communion, and imitation as fundamental elements in establishing profound relationships with saints who can offer guidance and encouragement from these “spiritual role models.”

  • Goodness Is Not Boring
    Mon May 27 2024
    Word on Fire

    What we find dull and insufferable about apparent "goodness" is not goodness at all, but flaws that put on the pretense of being virtues.

  • WOF 439: Is Christianity Useful to the West?
    Word on Fire

    There are complex questions about making the connection between Christianity and utility as it relates to contemporary “Western values.”

  • Monday, May 27, 2024
    Mon May 27 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, a rich young man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life.

  • Gift and Mystery: The Spirit of Adoption | Holy Trinity Sunday (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Am I basing my life on the gospel of the world or the Gospel of God? We are surrounded by stories. Stories that try to make sense of the world. But not every story is true. In fact, there are many stories that are false. We are called to base our lives on the true story… The story of the Gospel of God.

  • Sunday, May 26, 2024
    Sun May 26 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, here is the curious thing about the Trinity: at one and the same time, it is the most extraordinary and the most ordinary of Christian doctrines, simultaneously the most inaccessible and the most obvious.

  • Saturday, May 25, 2024
    Sat May 25 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus declares that the kingdom of God belongs to children.

  • El Misterio de Dios Study Guide
    Word on Fire

      ¿Cómo podemos revertir la ola de secularismo y lograr que la gente vuelva a Dios? En El misterio de Dios: quién es Él y por qué importa, el padre Barron ahonda en nuestra profunda tradición intelectual para responder a esta pregunta.  A través de las reflexiones de san Agustín, santo Tomás de Aquino, y el Papa Benedicto XVI, nos descubre una manera clara pero a la vez sofisticada de comprender qué es a lo que nos referimos con “Dios”. Cada lección de la Guía de Estudio provee un amplio comentario acerca de los contenidos teológicos de cada episodio de la serie. Además cuenta con “preguntas para la comprensión” y también “preguntas para la aplicación”. Las “preguntas para la comprensión” contienen múltiples referencias a las Sagradas Escrituras y al Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, para enriquecer los contenidos expuestos en la serie. Las “preguntas para la aplicación” nos ayudan a reflexionar sobre cómo el mensaje que expone el Obispo Barron puede ser vivido en nuestra vida cotidiana. Los comentarios y preguntas de la Guía de Estudio han sido escritos por Trent Horn, autor católico para Catholic Answers (Respuestas catolicas), bajo la guía y aprobación del Obispo Robert Barron. Hay seis lecciones se titulan: 1. Ateísmo y a qué nos referimos con "Dios"2. Los caminos hacia Dios 3. Los atributos divinos 4. La providencia y el problema del mal 5. Examinando la Trinidad 6. El Dios que es amor   

  • Mystery of God Study Guide
    Word on Fire

    Includes: Facilitator's How-To Guide (contains the Facilitator Guide, the entire Study Guide, and the suggested answers to the questions) Probe more deeply into Bishop Barron’s message using the companion study materials. The sections within the Leader Guide correspond to each part of the presentation. The Guide was written by Trent Horn, apologist at Catholic Answers, and was compiled under the direction and approval of Bishop Barron.  Each section of the study guide provides detailed commentary on the film, as well as “Questions for Understanding" based on the presentation, Scripture, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  Also included are “Questions for Reflection" to help connect the material to your own life and experience. It is recommended that you allot seven 90-minute sessions when conducting a group study program.  Each session should include film viewing and small group discussion of Study Guide questions. Participants are encouraged to read the commentary in the study guide and prepare the questions before the group discussion. This preparation can be accomplished either before or after they view the DVD, as the commentary in each lesson is very detailed.

  • El Rey David Guía de Estudio
    Word on Fire

        Cada lección de la Guía de Estudio provee un amplio comentario acerca de los contenidos teológicos de cada episodio de la serie. Además cuenta con “preguntas para la comprensión” y también “preguntas para la aplicación”. Las “preguntas para la comprensión” contienen múltiples referencias a las Sagradas Escrituras y al Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, para enriquecer los contenidos expuestos en la serie. Las “preguntas para la aplicación” nos ayudan a reflexionar sobre cómo el mensaje que expone el osbispo Barron puede ser vivido en nuestra vida cotidiana. Los comentarios y preguntas de la Guía de Estudio han sido escritos por Dr. Jacob Wood, bajo la guía y aprobación del osbispo, Robert Barron.

  • Thinking Out of the Tabernacle
    Ascension Press
  • Title IX vs. Pope Francis
    Word on Fire

    The revised Title IX rules mean the Biden administration has now made gender ideology the de facto legal and moral norm of the government.

  • Light of the Sacraments
    Word on Fire

    Haley interviews Cory Heimann and Tricia Dugat, the author/illustrator team behind two innovative books: Light of the Saints and Light of the Sacraments.

  • Friday, May 24, 2024
    Fri May 24 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in our Gospel today, Jesus defines the fundamental sacredness of marriage.

  • Agnus - Giclee Art Print
    Word on Fire

    He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,yet he did not open his mouth;like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent,so he did not open his mouth.  By a perversion of justice he was taken away.Who could have imagined his future?For he was cut off from the land of the living,stricken for the transgression of my people.  —Isaiah 53:7-8   Painted by Konstantin Korobov in 2022. Original work is oil on canvas. For more information on the original painting, CLICK HERE. Giclee prints are one of the best print reproduction methods available using high-quality archival inks. Scratch-resistant. Clean with a damp cloth. Ships rolled in a tube. Note: Artwork will ship separately from other items in your order. Please allow 7-14 business days for production and shipping. Returns are not accepted as item is made to order.

  • Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
    Ascension Press
  • Serving Christ In Your Occupation—Good News Conference
    Word on Fire

    Serving Christ in the secular world does not mean that you have to compromise your values and beliefs.

  • Charles Camosy Sounds the Alarm
    Word on Fire

    Dr. Charles Camosy joins the lineup of speakers this August at the second annual Wonder Conference. I got to know him and learn his plans for Wonder.

  • Thursday, May 23, 2024
    Thu May 23 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in our Gospel, Jesus speaks, with incredible bluntness, about cutting off one’s hand and foot and plucking out one’s own eye.

  • New Procedures for Handling Supernatural Claims
    Word on Fire

    Let's examine the new Vatican norms that went into effect guiding the process for discerning alleged supernatural phenomena, such as Marian apparitions.

  • Re-Emphasizing the Sacramental Life
    Ascension Press
  • On Vatican II and Appreciating Aquinas
    Word on Fire

    Far from relegating Aquinas to the annals of theological history, the Second Vatican Council recommends—even commands—studying his thought.

  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today in the Gospel, John complains to Jesus that someone not of their group was driving out demons in Jesus’ name.

  • Three Ways of Approaching the Trinity
    Word on Fire

    Friends, we come once again to Trinity Sunday.

  • The Power of Encountering Christ 
    Word on Fire

    Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, better known as the “Dynamic Deacon,” shares the importance of allowing God to use you by the expression of your faith.

  • Tolkien and the Machines
    Word on Fire

    Tolkien's reference to the Aristotelian notion of potentiality allows us to grasp the similarity between Sauron’s ring and modern technology.

  • Tuesday, May 21, 2024
    Tue May 21 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus presents a child as the model for his disciples.

  • What Does It Mean to Be "Open to Life"?
    Ascension Press
  • Catholic Guilt (feat. Br. Lawrence)
    Ascension Press
  • Dr. Edward Feser And His Six Arguments for God
    Word on Fire

    In this discussion, Dr. Edward Feser shares his background, faith, hobbies, and what we can expect from his new Institute course.

  • WOF 438: Damned Alone—But Saved Together
    Word on Fire

    In the fourth lecture of Bishop Barron’s “Dante’s Catholic Imagination,” Dante climbs Mount Purgatory—a place of charity, hope, and faith.

  • Monday, May 20, 2024
    Mon May 20 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today we celebrate the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church.

  • Gift and Mystery: Use the Gift | Pentecost Sunday (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Am I basing my life on the gospel of the world or the Gospel of God? We are surrounded by stories. Stories that try to make sense of the world. But not every story is true. In fact, there are many stories that are false. We are called to base our lives on the true story… The story of the Gospel of God.

  • Sunday, May 19, 2024
    Sun May 19 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, when Peter asks about the destiny of the beloved disciple, Jesus says, “What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow me.”

  • Saturday, May 18, 2024
    Sat May 18 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, when Peter asks about the destiny of the beloved disciple, Jesus says, “What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours?

  • A Day in the Life: Tim Nerozzi Shadows Bishop Robert Barron
    Word on Fire

    Tim Nerozzi of Fox News joined Bishop Barron, founder of Word on Fire, for a day at the Word on Fire Studio and a Confirmation Mass at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Rochester, MN. Over the course of the day, Bishop Barron and Nerozzi discussed everything from the tradition of the Church—dogmatic, moral, and liturgical—to stand-up comedy.  Having asked Bishop Barron about the most pressing concern following the downfall of the New Atheist movement of the early 2000s, Nerozzi wrote the following:  ​​With dogmatic atheism in the rearview mirror, Barron’s most pressing concern for the future is the coming […]

  • Is Your Life Too Complex?
    Ascension Press
  • Fri May 17 2024
    Word on Fire
  • Where is the Holy Spirit in the Bible? (feat. Fr. Dempsey Rosales-Acosta)
    Ascension Press

    As Catholics, we acknowledge that God is a trinity of persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But who exactly is the third person of the Trinity? We might wonder where the Holy Spirit appears as we read Sacred Scripture.

  • Pentecost Sunday
    Fri May 17 2024
    Ascension Press
  • Tragedy Is Not The End
    Fri May 17 2024
    Word on Fire

    Fr. Mike Schmitz shares how true stories have such a tug on our hearts because grief, tragedy, and triumph are universal to the human experience.

  • Abortion On The Ballot This Election
    Word on Fire

    Trump is against a national ban on abortion. Biden champions abortion as a matter of healthcare. How should we approach abortion this election?

  • Friday, May 17, 2024
    Fri May 17 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, today’s Gospel tells of the great engagement between the risen Jesus and Peter.

  • Hope in the Face of Grief and Loss (feat. Kendra Tierney)
    Ascension Press

    Grief and loss are a part of nearly everyone’s life. We may experience deep suffering, like wanting to be married but not finding a spouse. Or losing a spouse to an early death. Maybe you’ve experienced the loss of a child, a miscarriage, or the struggle with infertility. It can feel frustrating when others respond, “Well, God has a plan.” Indeed, he does have a plan, but where does this suffering fit into that plan? Today, Kendra Tierney, a mother of 10 and a recent widow, shares her own honest experience of navigating loss and grieving the life that she now doesn’t have after the loss of her own husband.

  • A Theology of Your Body
    Ascension Press
  • Is God All Things? Are All Things Really One? 
    Word on Fire

    Monism is the view that all reality is one, that the distinctions between things are mere illusions. Should we accept this idea?

  • Thursday, May 16, 2024
    Thu May 16 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus prays for our unity with him and for us to be immersed in God’s love.

  • A Theology of Your Body
    Ascension Press
  • What Does It Mean to Be a Priest?
    Ascension Press
  • Selmer Bringsjord on Life and Logic
    Word on Fire

    Among the speakers at this year's Wonder Conference is Dr. Selmer Bringsjord. We discussed life, logic, and his plans for Wonder.

  • Wednesday, May 15, 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus prays, “Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.”

  • Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
    Word on Fire

    Friends, we come to the Feast of Pentecost, the great celebration of the Holy Spirit.

  • The Writer Showcase
    Tue May 14 2024
    Word on Fire

    The Institute Writer Showcase presents a selection of the best work from the Word on Fire Writing Community, the mission of which is to develop writing of the highest quality; to encourage writers to evangelize in a variety of modes, forms, and genres and for a variety of audiences; to help writers grow in their Christian faith; and to foster fellowship and community among writers. Each piece selected for publication in the showcase has been workshopped within the Writing Community’s small Writing Groups, as indicated by each author’s byline. Each issue of the Writer Showcase is presented in such a way as to have […]

  • A Disordered Recipe for Greatness from “Mind the Game”
    Word on Fire

    On the "Mind the Game" podcast, they unintentionally revealed the disordered undertones that our desire for greatness can come to embody. 

  • EP23 | Common Sense in a World of Health Fads — Sal Di Stefano
    Word on Fire

    To be healthy today is an act of rebellion. Mind Pump host and fitness trainer Sal Di Stefano joins Tod to discuss fitness and faith.

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024
    Tue May 14 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus announces to his disciples: “I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing.

  • Sacerdote, Profeta, Rey Guía de Estudio
    Word on Fire

    La Guía para Líderes incluye: - La guía del facilitator - Las seis lecciones - La clave de respuestas El programa de estudio Sacerdote, Profeta, Rey presenta el Antiguo Testamento prediciendo cada de las tres oficinas de Jesús como sacerdote, profeta, y rey. También el programa describe como Jesús es el cumplimiento de cada uno a través de la óptica del Antiguo Testamento. Las seis lecciones se titulan: 1. Adoratio: Adán como sacerdote 2. El sumo sacerdote   3. Desafiando la falsa adoración: el profeta Elías 4. El Verbo hecho carne   5. Ordenando el Reino: el rey David 6. Rey de reyes Cada lider de la discusión en grupo debe tener la Guía para Líderes, y cada participante debe tener una Guía de Estudio. La guía para facilitadores, que es parte de la Guía para Líderes, contiene un plan completo para las sesiones y más consejo sobre el programa. Cada segmento del DVD dura 20 minutos y la discusión debe ser 60-70 minutos, más o menos, para un total de 90 minutos para cada lección.

  • Priest, Prophet, King Study Guide
    Word on Fire

    This Study Guide includes the Facilitator's guide, all six lessons from the participant's Study Guide, and an Answer Key for the Questions for Understanding. The Facilitator's Guide details how to plan, promote, and present the study.   Who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the Messiah? In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the Anointed One; the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Bishop Barron affirms that we see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. Paired with the film presentation of Priest, Prophet, King, you can use this study guide to better understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission. For group study, you can present the program in six or seven sessions of 60-90 minutes.  Each session should include video viewing and group discussion of Study Guide questions.  All study coordinators or group facilitators can also register for free training webinars. Each lesson in the Guide provides detailed commentary on Bishop Barron’s video and “Questions for Understanding" based on the video, Scripture, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The “Questions for Application" in each lesson aid in connecting the material to our own lives and experiences. Participants read the commentary in their Study Guide and prepare the questions before the small group discussion. This preparation can be accomplished either before or after viewing the video. SESSION TITLES:  1. Adoratio  2. The High Priest  3. Challenging False Worship  4. The Word Made Flesh  5. Ordering the Kingdom  6. King of Kings   

  • A Lesson in Kenosis from the Solar Eclipse
    Word on Fire

    Beneath my profound experience of the solar eclipse is a rare lesson in kenosis, a “self-emptying” or “complete or total gift of self.”

  • WOF 437: Is Safety Culture Good for Us?
    Word on Fire

    We discuss the contemporary embrace of “safety” and whether it overlaps with a Catholic understanding of the individual and common good.

  • Monday, May 13, 2024
    Mon May 13 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus promises peace to his disciples, who would abandon him at his arrest.

  • "Gift and Mystery: Build Up the Body" | The Ascension of the Lord (Fr. Mike's Homily)
    Ascension Press

    Am I basing my life on the gospel of the world or the Gospel of God? We are surrounded by stories. Stories that try to make sense of the world. But not every story is true. In fact, there are many stories that are false. We are called to base our lives on the true story… The story of the Gospel of God.

  • Sunday, May 12, 2024
    Sun May 12 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus prays, saying, “I speak this in the world so that they may share my joy completely.”

  • Christ's Prayer to the Father: Make Them Holy
    Ascension Press
  • Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
    Ascension Press
  • A Shift in Perspective This Mother’s Day
    Word on Fire

    Mothering has been reduced to a transactional performance in our digital villages, and it’s time to shift that perspective. 

  • Saturday, May 11, 2024
    Sat May 11 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us this assurance about answered prayer: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.”

  • Bendición Desconocida Guía de Estudio
    Word on Fire

    La frase de Juan el Bautista “Cristo debe crecer y yo debo menguar” define el significado de ser santo. El camino a la santidad comprende saber la verdad sobre uno mismo y permitir a Dios obrar a través nuestro para beneficio de su creación. Explore los tres caminos a la santidad con el Obispo Robert Barron: buscar el centro, saberse un pecador y reconocer que su vida no se trata de usted. Aprenda más sobre este recorrido participando en el programa de estudio del Obispo Barron, Bendición desconocida: Los tres Caminos a la Santidad. Esta guía incluye:- Guía para facilitadores- Guiá de estudio- Clave de respuestas  

  • Untold Blessing Study Guide
    Word on Fire

    The Study Guide includes the Facilitator’s Guide, all six lessons of the participant’s Study Guide, and an Answer Key for the Questions for Understanding.  The Facilitator’s Guide details how to plan, promote, and present the study.  Our ultimate goal is to be a saint. It is our greatest calling and what our Creator desires for us. Bishop Robert Barron paints the beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He also shares the practical approaches to enhance the journey along three intriguing paths to holiness: 1.  Finding the Center2.  Knowing You’re a Sinner3.  Realizing Your Life is Not About You For group study, you can present the program in six or seven sessions of 60-90 minutes.  Each session should include video viewing and group discussion of Study Guide questions.  All study coordinators or group facilitators can also register for free training webinars. Each lesson in the Guide provides detailed commentary on Bishop Barron’s video and “Questions for Understanding" based on the video, Scripture, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The “Questions for Application" in each lesson aid in connecting the material to our own lives and experiences. Participants read the commentary in their Study Guide and prepare the questions before the small group discussion. This preparation can be accomplished either before or after viewing the video.   SESSION TITLES: Introduction Finding the Center – Part I  Finding the Center – Part II  Knowing You’re A Sinner – Part I   Knowing You’re A Sinner – Part II  Your Life Is Not About You – Part I  Your Life Is Not About You – Part II

  • The Triple Crown of Virtues
    Ascension Press
  • Chesterton, Harry Potter, and Death with Nancy C. Brown
    Word on Fire

    Haley Stewart talks with Nancy C. Brown, the author of The Woman Who Was Chesterton and The Mystery of Harry Potter: A Catholic Family Guide.

  • David Fincher’s Hitman as Everyman
    Word on Fire

    David Fincher's film, The Killer, now on Netflix, once again updates Fight Club’s existential crisis—a “mirror of justice” for our time.

  • Trailer: Welcome to the Votive Podcast!
    Word on Fire

    Haley Stewart discusses her love for good books, how stories baptize our imaginations, and how to share great literature with children.

  • Friday, May 10, 2024
    Fri May 10 2024
    Word on Fire

    Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus exhorts us to pray with expectant faith: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.”

  • Eucaristía Guía de Estudio
    Word on Fire

    Cristo vive y está plenamente presente en la Eucaristía. Acompáñennos a profundizar en la “fuente y culmen” de nuestra Fe con el programa basado en DVD del Obispo Barron: Eucaristía: Comida Sagrada, Sacrificio, y Presencia Real. Este estudio espiritual les dará una comprensión más profunda de los preciosos dones del cuerpo, sangre, alma y divinidad de Cristo que ustedes pueden recibir en todas y cada una de las Misas.  Esta guía incluye:- Guía para facilitadores- Guiá de estudio- Clave de respuestas  

  • 5 Prayers to Say in the Car (but Most People Forget to) (feat. Kendra Tierney)
    Ascension Press

    Do you always feel like you run out of time to pray? Do you spend lots of time in the car, maybe shuttling kids to school or commuting to work? Well, today, Kendra Tierney would like to encourage you to take advantage of that car time with these 5 prayers you can say whenever you hit the road.

  • A Parable from the Science Textbook: Grace Like Electricity
    Word on Fire

    When we receive God’s grace like a flow of electrons and pass it on freely to others, we help to unite all in the divine electrical circuit.