Psalms 4

 1 In parts according to verses. A Psalm of David 2 When I called upon him, the God of my justice heeded me. In tribulation, you have enlarged me. Have mercy on me, and heed my prayer 3 Sons of men, how long will you be dull in heart, so that whatever you love is in vain, and whatever you seek is false 4 And know this: the Lord has made wondrous his holy one. The Lord will heed me when I cry out to him 5 Be angry, and do not be willing to sin. The things that you say in your hearts: be sorry for them on your beds 6 Offer the sacrifice of justice, and hope in the Lord. Many say, "Who reveals to us what is good? 7 The light of your countenance, Lord, has been sealed upon us. You have given joy to my heart 8 By the fruit of their grain, wine, and oil, they have been multiplied 9 In peace itself, I will sleep and I will rest 10 For you, O Lord, have established me singularly in hope