1 Corinthians

The Corinthian church is rebuked for its divisions, immaturity, and sinful behaviors, including tolerating a man who has taken his father's wife and taking disputes to secular courts. Paul emphasizes the importance of unity, humility, and love, and reminds the church that its members will one day judge angels and the world. He also addresses issues of marriage, divorce, and bodily purity, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a pure body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Paul defends his authority and right to be supported by the church, and explains that he has adapted himself to different situations in order to spread the gospel. The church is also instructed on the proper behavior for men and women in worship, and the importance of partaking in the Lord's Supper worthily. Additionally, Paul discusses the diversity of spiritual gifts and the importance of charity, and provides guidance on speaking in tongues and prophesying in the church. Finally, Paul reminds the church of the gospel he preached, that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day, and instructs the church to set aside a collection for the saints.

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