2 Corinthians

The apostle Paul writes to the Corinthian church, expressing gratitude for God's consolation in their tribulations and defending his integrity and sincerity in his ministry. He explains that his change of plans was not due to fickleness, but rather because God is faithful, and that all of God's promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Paul also writes about the power of Christ, the ministry of the Spirit, and the transformation that occurs in those who turn to the Lord. He urges the Corinthians to live as ministers of God, enduring hardships and difficulties with patience and integrity, and to separate themselves from unbelievers and unclean things. Paul also encourages the Corinthians to give generously to the saints, as an example of their faith and charity, and to live a life of goodness and spiritual growth. Throughout the letter, Paul defends his apostleship and ministry, boasting of his sufferings and hardships as evidence of his devotion to Christ, and concludes by expressing his love for the Corinthians and his desire for their perfection.

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