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1 John 1

The apostle testifies to the reality of Jesus Christ, the Word of Life, whom he has seen and heard, and announces this to others so they may have fellowship with the Father and the Son. The apostle writes to bring joy and fullness of joy to the readers. He emphasizes that God is light and has no darkness, and those who claim to have fellowship with Him must walk in the light. Those who walk in the light have fellowship with one another and are cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, but those who deny their sin deceive themselves and do not have the truth in them.

He who was from the beginning, whom we have heard, whom we have seen with our eyes, upon whom we have gazed, and whom our hands have certainly touched: He is the Word of LifeAnd that Life has been made manifest. And we have seen, and we testify, and we announce to you: the Eternal Life, who was with the Father, and who appeared to usHe whom we have seen and heard, we announce to you, so that you, too, may have fellowship with us, and so that our fellowship may be with the Father and with his Son Jesus ChristAnd this we write to you, so that you may rejoice, and so that your joy may be fullAnd this is the announcement which we have heard from him, and which we announce to you: that God is light, and in him there is no darknessIf we claim that we have fellowship with him, and yet we walk in darkness, then we are lying and not telling the truthBut if we walk in the light, just as he also is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sinIf we claim that we have no sin, then we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in usIf we confess our sins, then he is faithful and just, so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all iniquityIf we claim that we have not sinned, then we make him a liar, and his Word is not in us
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