1 Maccabees

The book of 1 Maccabees tells the story of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. After Alexander the Great's death, his kingdom was divided among his servants, and Antiochus IV Epiphanes rose to power, desecrating the temple in Jerusalem and imposing his own laws on the people. Mattathias, a priest, and his five sons, including Judas Maccabeus, refused to obey Antiochus' orders and fled to the mountains, where they were joined by others who sought to follow the law. Judas led the battle for Israel, defeating the wicked and pursuing those who disturbed his people, and his name became renowned throughout the earth. After Judas' death, his brothers Jonathan and Simon continued to lead the fight against the Gentiles, forming alliances with the Romans and eventually establishing peace and prosperity in Judah. Simon, the high priest, brought peace and prosperity to Judah, expanding its borders and fortifying its cities, and was eventually recognized as the commander and high priest by the people. However, Simon was eventually killed by Ptolemy, his son-in-law, but his son John was able to escape and avenge his father's death.

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