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1 Peter

The believers are greeted as the elect of the dispersion, having been regenerated into a living hope through Jesus Christ's resurrection, and they have an incorruptible inheritance reserved in heaven. They are exhorted to be holy, to love one another, and to live good lives among the Gentiles, being subject to authority and honoring everyone. Believers are called to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation, announcing God's virtues and following Christ's example of suffering injustice. They are also instructed on how to live their lives, including the roles of wives and husbands, and how to respond to evil and suffering, repaying it with blessings and being prepared to give an explanation for their hope in Christ. Additionally, believers are encouraged to arm themselves with the intention of suffering in the flesh, to live according to God's will, and to glorify God in their suffering, while also being mindful of their roles and responsibilities within the church, including the duties of elders and the submission of young people.

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