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2 Peter

The book of 2 Peter begins with an encouragement to believers to cultivate virtues such as faith, knowledge, and love, which will lead to a fruitful and sinless life. The author then warns of the impending arrival of false prophets and teachers who will deny the Lord and lead many astray with their indulgent lifestyles and false words. The book reminds believers that God has a history of judging and punishing the wicked, and that those who follow their fleshly desires and blaspheme will perish in their corruption. The author also warns of the coming of deceitful mockers who will question the promise of Christ's return, but assures believers that God's timing is not like human timing, and that he is patiently waiting for all to repent. Ultimately, the book urges believers to live holy lives, awaiting the new heavens and the new earth, and to be diligent in their faith.

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