2 Timothy
Paul expresses his gratitude for Timothy and encourages him to hold to the sound words of faith and love in Christ Jesus, reminding him not to be ashamed of the Gospel. He shares his own suffering and confidence in God's power, and notes that many have turned away from him, but expresses gratitude for the kindness of Onesiphorus. Paul urges Timothy to be strengthened by the grace of Christ Jesus, to labor like a good soldier, and to present himself as a proven worker, handling the Word of Truth correctly. He warns that in the last days, perilous times will come, and people will be characterized by their love of self, greed, and disobedience, but those who live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Paul urges Timothy to preach the word urgently, to reprove, entreat, and rebuke with patience and doctrine, and updates him on the whereabouts of various associates, warning him to avoid Alexander the coppersmith and concluding by expressing gratitude for the Lord's support.
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