Psalms 1

The righteous man is blessed, as he follows God's law and meditates on it day and night, resulting in a life of prosperity and fruitfulness. In contrast, the wicked are like dust blown away by the wind, and will not prevail in judgment. The Lord knows the path of the righteous and will ultimately destroy the path of the wicked.

Blessed is the man who has not followed the counsel of the impious, and has not remained in the way of sinners, and has not sat in the chair of pestilenceBut his will is with the law of the Lord, and he will meditate on his law, day and nightAnd he will be like a tree that has been planted beside running waters, which will provide its fruit in its time, and its leaf will not fall away, and all things whatsoever that he does will prosperNot so the impious, not so. For they are like the dust that the wind casts along the face of the earthTherefore, the impious will not prevail again in judgment, nor sinners in the council of the justFor the Lord knows the way of the just. And the path of the impious will pass away
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