Psalms 146

The psalmist praises the Lord for his goodness and beautiful works, including building up Jerusalem and healing the brokenhearted. The Lord is all-powerful and wise, lifting up the meek and bringing down the wicked. He provides for all creation, from the stars in the sky to the beasts of the earth, and takes pleasure in those who fear and hope in him.
 1 Alleluia. Praise the Lord, because the psalm is good. Delightful and beautiful praise shall be for our God 2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem. He will gather together the dispersed of Israel 3 He heals the contrite of heart, and he binds up their sorrows 4 He numbers the multitude of the stars, and he calls them all by their names 5 Great is our Lord, and great is his virtue. And of his wisdom, there is no number 6 The Lord lifts up the meek, but he brings down the sinner, even to the ground 7 Sing before the Lord with confession. Play psalms to our God on a stringed instrument 8 He covers heaven with clouds, and he prepares rain for the earth. He produces grass on the mountains and herbs for the service of men 9 He gives their food to beasts of burden and to young ravens that call upon him 10 He will not have good will for the strength of the horse, nor will he be well pleased with the legs of a man 11 The Lord is well pleased with those who fear him and with those who hope in his mercy