Psalms 26

David asks the Lord to judge and test him, confident in his innocence and faith in God's mercy. He affirms his separation from the wicked and his commitment to righteousness, seeking to worship and praise the Lord in His house. David requests protection from the impious and asks for redemption, affirming his own walk in innocence and his desire to bless the Lord in the churches.

Unto the end. A Psalm of David. Judge me, Lord, for I have been walking in my innocence, and by hoping in the Lord, I will not be weakenedExamine me, Lord, and test me: enkindle my temperament and my heartFor your mercy is before my eyes, and I am serene in your truthI have not sat with the council of emptiness, and I will not enter with those who carry out injusticeI have hated the assembly of the malicious; and I will not sit with the impiousI will wash my hands among the innocent, and I will surround your altar, O Lordso that I may hear the voice of your praise and describe all your wondersO Lord, I have loved the beauty of your house and the dwelling place of your gloryO God, do not let my soul perish with the impious, nor my life with the men of bloodin whose hands are iniquities: their right hand has been filled by bribesBut as for me, I have been walking in my innocence. Redeem me, and have mercy on meMy foot has stood firm in the straight path. In the churches, I will bless you, O Lord
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