Psalms 76

The psalmist cries out to God in tribulation, recalling God's past works and wonders, and questions whether God will continue to show mercy and favor. The psalmist reflects on God's greatness and miracles, including the redemption of his people, and describes God's power over nature. The psalmist concludes by acknowledging God's guidance of his people through Moses and Aaron.
 1 Unto the end. For Jeduthun. A Psalm of Asaph 2 I cried out to the Lord with my voice, to God with my voice, and he attended to me 3 In the days of my tribulation, I sought God, with my hands opposite him in the night, and I was not deceived. My soul refused to be consoled 4 I was mindful of God, and I was delighted, and I was distressed, and my spirit fell away 5 My eyes anticipated the vigils. I was disturbed, and I did not speak 6 I considered the days of antiquity, and I held the years of eternity in my mind 7 And I meditated in the night with my heart, and I was distressed, and I examined my spirit 8 So then, will God reject for eternity? Will he not continue to allow himself to show favor 9 Or, will he cut off his mercy in the end, from generation to generation 10 And would God ever forget to be merciful? Or, would he, in his wrath, restrict his mercies 11 And I said, "Now I have begun. This change is from the right hand of the Most High. 12 I was mindful of the works of the Lord. For I will be mindful from the beginning of your wonders 13 and I will meditate on all your works. And I will take part in your intentions 14 Your way, O God, is in what is holy. Which God is great like our God 15 You are the God who performs miracles. You have made your virtue known among the peoples 16 With your arm, you have redeemed your people, the sons of Jacob and of Joseph 17 The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you, and they were afraid, and the depths were stirred up 18 Great was the sound of the waters. The clouds uttered a voice. For your arrows also pass by 19 The voice of your thunder is like a wheel. Your flashes have illuminated the whole world. The earth has quaked and trembled 20 Your way is through the sea, and your paths are through many waters. And your traces will not be known 21 You have conducted your people like sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron