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The book of Revelation begins with Jesus Christ giving John a vision of the things that must soon occur, describing himself as the faithful witness and the leader over the kings of the earth. Jesus commends and rebukes seven churches for their faithfulness and shortcomings, promising rewards to those who persevere and overcome. John is then called to ascend to heaven, where he sees a throne with God sitting upon it, surrounded by twenty-four elders and four living creatures, all worshiping and praising God. Jesus opens seven seals, each bringing a different judgment upon the earth, including conquest, war, famine, and death. The seventh seal brings silence in heaven, followed by the sounding of seven trumpets, each causing destruction and chaos. A strong angel appears, holding a small open book, and the prophet is instructed to take the book and prophesy again to many nations and peoples. The book then describes the fall of Babylon, the rise of the beast and the false prophet, and the final judgment, where the dead are judged according to their works. Ultimately, God creates a new heaven and a new earth, and the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, descends from heaven, prepared for God to dwell with his people, where every curse will be no more, and God's servants will serve him, seeing his face and having his name on their foreheads.

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