Romans 3

The Jewish people were entrusted with God's words, but their unbelief does not nullify God's faith. God's justice is not negated by human injustice, and He will judge the world. All people, Jews and Greeks, are under sin and have fallen short of God's standards, with no one being justified by their own works. However, God's justice has been made manifest through faith in Jesus Christ, and all people can be justified freely by God's grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
 1 So then, what more is the Jew, or what is the usefulness of circumcision 2 Much in every way: First of all, certainly, because the eloquence of God was entrusted to them 3 But what if some of them have not believed? Shall their unbelief nullify the faith of God? Let it not be so 4 For God is truthful, but every man is deceitful; just as it was written: "Therefore, you are justified in your words, and you will prevail when you give judgment. 5 But if even our injustice points to the justice of God, what shall we say? Could God be unfair for inflicting wrath 6 (I am speaking in human terms.) Let it not be so! Otherwise, how would God judge this world 7 For if the truth of God has abounded, through my falseness, unto his glory, why should I still be judged as such a sinner 8 And should we not do evil, so that good may result? For so we have been slandered, and so some have claimed we said; their condemnation is just 9 What is next? Should we try to excel ahead of them? By no means! For we have accused all Jews and Greeks to be under sin 10 just as it was written: "There is no one who is just 11 There is no one who understands. There is no one who seeks God 12 All have gone astray; together they have become useless. There is no one who does good; there is not even one 13 Their throat is an open sepulcher. With their tongues, they have been acting deceitfully. The venom of asps is under their lips 14 Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood 16 Grief and unhappiness are in their ways 17 And the way of peace they have not known 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes. 19 But we know that whatever the law speaks, it speaks to those who are in the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the entire world may be subject to God 20 For in his presence no flesh shall be justified by the works of the law. For knowledge of sin is through the law 21 But now, without the law, the justice of God, to which the law and the prophets have testified, has been made manifest 22 And the justice of God, through the faith of Jesus Christ, is in all those and over all those who believe in him. For there is no distinction 23 For all have sinned and all are in need of the glory of God 24 We have been justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus 25 whom God has offered as a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to reveal his justice for the remission of the former offenses 26 and by the forbearance of God, to reveal his justice in this time, so that he himself might be both the Just One and the Justifier of anyone who is of the faith of Jesus Christ 27 So then, where is your self-exaltation? It is excluded. Through what law? That of works? No, but rather through the law of faith 28 For we judge a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law 29 Is God of the Jews only and not also of the Gentiles? On the contrary, of the Gentiles also 30 For One is the God who justifies circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith 31 Are we then destroying the law through faith? Let it not be so! Instead, we are making the law stand