Sirach 16

It is better to have one child who fears God than many impious children, and it is better to die without children than to leave behind impious ones. God's mercy and wrath are balanced, and he judges a person according to their works. Those who sin will not escape punishment, but God's patience and mercy will not be diminished. God sees and understands all things, even if humans do not comprehend his ways.

You should not rejoice in impious children, if they are successful; nor should you take delight in them, if the fear of God is not in themYou should not approve of their life, nor should you look with favor on their laborsFor one child who fears God is better than one thousand impious childrenAnd it is better to die without children, than to leave behind impious childrenBy means of one person with understanding, a country will be inhabited. The tribe of the impious will become desolateMany such things my eyes have seen, and greater things than these my ear has heardIn the synagogue of sinners, a fire will blaze forth; and amid an unbelieving people, wrath will flare upThe giants of antiquity did not obtain pardon for their sins; they were destroyed by trusting in their own abilitiesAnd he did not spare the place of Lot’s sojourn, and he abhorred them because of the arrogance of their wordsHe did not take pity on them, destroying an entire people, who even extolled themselves concerning their sinsAnd this was so with six hundred thousand men, who were gathered together in the hardness of their hearts. And if even a single obstinate person had escaped unpunished, it would be a wonderFor mercy and wrath are with him. He is powerful in forgiveness, and he pours forth wrathAs is his mercy, so also is his correction; he judges a man according to his worksThe sinner, in his violations, will not escape; but the patience of the One who shows mercy will not be diminishedEvery mercy will make a place for each man, according to the merit of his works, and according to the understanding of his sojournYou should not say: "I am hidden from God," or, "Who, from on high, will take note of me?or, "Among a great number of people, I will not be noticed. For what is my soul amid such an immense creation?Behold: the heavens, and the heaven of the heavens, the abyss, and the entire earth, and the things that are within these, will be shaken by his gazetogether with mountains and hills, and the foundations of the earth. When God casts his gaze upon them, they will be struck with tremblingAnd concerning all these things, the heart is without understanding; but every heart is understood by himAnd who will understand his ways, or the tempest, which no eye of man will seeFor many of his works are concealed. But who will announce the works of his justice? Or who will endure them? For the testament is far from some persons, and the examination of each thing is in its endWhoever diminishes the heart, thinks empty thoughts. For the imprudent and erring man thinks up foolishnessListen to me, son, and learn the discipline of understanding, and attend to my words in your heartAnd I will speak with equity about discipline, and I will strive to announce wisdom. So attend to my words in your heart, and I will speak with equity of spirit, about the virtues that God has set within his works from the beginning, and I will announce his knowledge in truthWith the judgment of God, his works have been done from the beginning; and from their institution, he himself distinguished their parts and set their beginnings, in their kindsHe has beautified their works unto eternity. They have neither hungered, nor labored, and they have not ceased from their worksNeither will any one of them cause anguish to his neighbor, foreverYou should not be incredulous at his wordAfterward, God looked with favor upon the earth, and he filled it with his goodnessThe soul of every living thing brought word from before his face, and their return again is to him
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