Sirach 17

God created man in his own image, giving him authority over the earth and the ability to think and understand. He filled them with knowledge and the discipline of understanding, and established an eternal covenant with them, revealing his justice and judgments. God sees all their works and appointed a ruler over each people, with Israel being his manifest portion. He calls on the repentant to return to him, relinquish their sins, and acknowledge his justices and judgments, promising mercy and forgiveness to those who convert.

God created man from the earth, and he made him according to his own imageAnd he returned him again to it, and he clothed him with virtue according to himselfHe gave him the number and time of his days, and he gave him authority over all the things that are upon the earthHe placed the fear of him over all flesh, and he had dominion over wild beasts and flying thingsHe created from him a helper, similar to himself. He gave them counsel, and language, and sight, and hearing, and a heart, in order to think. And he filled them with the discipline of understandingHe created within them the knowledge of the spirit. He filled their heart with understanding, and he showed them both good and evilHe set his eye upon their hearts, to reveal to them the greatness of his worksso that they might highly praise the name of sanctification, and give glory to his wonders, so that they might declare the greatness of his worksIn addition, he gave them discipline and the law of life, as their inheritanceHe established an eternal covenant with them, and he revealed to them his justice and judgmentsAnd their eye saw the greatness of his honor, and their ears heard the honor of his voice, and he said to them: "Beware of all iniquity.And he commanded each one concerning his neighborTheir ways are always in his sight; they are not hidden from his eyesOver each and every people, he has appointed a rulerAnd Israel was made to be the manifest portion of GodAnd in the sight of God, all their works are like the sun. And his eyes, without ceasing, inspect their waysThe covenants are not hidden by their iniquity, and all their iniquities are in the sight of GodThe almsgiving of a man is like a seal upon him, which will guard the grace of a man like the pupil of an eyeAnd afterward, it will rise up and repay them their reward, each one upon his head, and it will return to the hidden places of the earthNow, to the repentant, he has given the way of justice, and he has strengthened those lacking in patience, and he has fastened them to a destiny of truthConvert to the Lord, and relinquish your sinsMake supplication before the face of the Lord, and diminish your offensesReturn to the Lord, and turn away from your injustice, and have immense hatred for abominationAnd acknowledge the justices and judgments of God, and stand firm in the circumstances set before you and in prayer to the most high GodGo to the side of the holy generation, to those who live in order to give praise to GodYou should not linger in the error of the impious; confess before death. Confession perishes from the dead as if it were nothingConfess while living; you should give thanks while you are still alive and healthy. And you should praise God and glory in his compassionHow great is the mercy of the Lord, and his forgiveness, for those who convert to himFor not all things can be in men, because the son of man is not immortal, and because they are pleased by the emptiness of maliceWhat is brighter than the sun? Yet this will fail. Or what is more wicked than that which flesh and blood has invented? And this will be reprovedHe beholds the power of the heights of heaven. And all men are earth and ashes
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