
The Lord will judge Samaria and Jerusalem for their idolatry and corruption, devastating the land and leading to captivity. The wicked will be punished for their evil deeds, and the people of Israel will be gathered and led out by their king and the Lord. The leaders of Israel are condemned for their corruption and injustice, and the prophets are rebuked for their false teachings and greed. However, in the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be established, and people from many nations will come to learn from God and walk in His paths. A ruler will come from Bethlehem to deliver Israel, and the remnant of Jacob will be victorious among the Gentiles. The Lord will execute vengeance on the heathen nations and remind His people that He desires justice, mercy, and humility, not sacrifices or offerings. Ultimately, God will restore His people, feed and protect them, and confound the nations with His power and mercy.

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