Psalms 32

The psalmist calls the righteous to praise and exult in the Lord, acknowledging His upright word and works, and the mercy that fills the earth. The Lord's power is demonstrated in creation, and His counsel stands forever, while He scatters the plans of nations and leaders. The psalmist affirms that the Lord sees and understands all human hearts, and that true salvation comes not from human power or strength, but from fearing and hoping in Him.
 1 A Psalm of David. Exult in the Lord, you just ones; together praise the upright 2 Confess to the Lord with stringed instruments; sing psalms to him with the psaltery, the instrument of ten strings 3 Sing to him a new song. Sing psalms to him skillfully, with loud exclamation 4 For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his works are in faith 5 He loves mercy and judgment. The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord 6 By the word of the Lord, the heavens were established, and all their power, by the Spirit of his mouth 7 gathering together the waters of the sea, as if in a container, placing the depths in storage 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord, and may all the inhabitants of the world quake before him 9 For he spoke, and they became. He commanded, and they were created 10 The Lord scatters the counsels of the nations. Moreover, he reproves the thoughts of the people, and he rejects the counsels of the leaders 11 But the counsel of the Lord remains for eternity, the thoughts of his heart from generation to generation 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his inheritance 13 The Lord has looked down from heaven. He has seen all the sons of men 14 From his well-prepared dwelling place, he has gazed upon all who dwell on the earth 15 He has formed the hearts of each one of them; he understands all their works 16 The king is not saved by great power, nor will the giant be saved by his many powers 17 The horse is false safety; for he will not be saved by the abundance of his powers 18 Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him and on those who hope in his mercy 19 so as to rescue their souls from death and to feed them during famine 20 Our soul remains with the Lord. For he is our helper and protector 21 For in him, our heart will rejoice, and in his holy name, we have hoped 22 Let your mercy be upon us, O Lord, just as we have hoped in you