The book of Zechariah contains visions and prophecies from the Lord, urging the Israelites to turn from their evil ways and promising to return to them with mercy. The Lord declares His jealousy for Jerusalem and displeasure with the heathen, promising to rebuild His house and spread prosperity. The prophet Zechariah sees various visions, including a man on a red horse, four horns and four carpenters, a golden candlestick, a flying roll, and four chariots, each representing God's judgment and redemption. The Lord also promises to bring a future leader, the Branch, who will grow up and build the temple of the Lord, bearing glory and ruling on his throne as both priest and king. The book also contains messages of judgment on the nations, including Damascus, Tyre, and the Philistines, and promises of salvation through a humble king who will ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. Ultimately, the Lord will bring rain and fertility to the land, redeem and gather His people, and establish a dominion from sea to sea.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
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